for fans of heavy music

for fans of heavy music



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Friday 3rd August 2018
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sounding harder than ever these lads...


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Wednesday 22nd August 2018
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so....with all this post hardcore goodness coming right back from the 90s i've been immersing myself in it once again. chaka malik and chris traynor dropping strong hints about an orange 9mm reunion and new material on instagram....which if it happened this year would be epic because that would mean new quicksand, glassjaw and 9mm all in one year!!!!

anyway, going back in i have inevitably stumbled across newer bands that have emerged more recently but that definitely wave the post hardcore banner....

i give you turnstile....fantastic.


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Friday 14th September 2018
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aazer89 said:
Architects have just released their new single Hereafter and announced their new album is coming November 9th. Not to everyone's taste I know but I for once am very excited by this
it's absolutely superb pal...can't wait!..

also, not heavy...but stunning...

thrice new track from new album..


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Wednesday 12th December 2018
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Penelope Stopit said:
Will someone kindly explain what heavy music is, is there possibly a weight difference of the audio files per Mb?
this. at 45 seconds.....i think that about sums up "heavy music" biggrin


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231 months

Wednesday 12th December 2018
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Lentilist said:
tuscaneer said:
Penelope Stopit said:
Will someone kindly explain what heavy music is, is there possibly a weight difference of the audio files per Mb?
this. at 45 seconds.....i think that about sums up "heavy music" biggrin
Or indeed this...

And yet also this...

It's one of those things that's very hard to define, yet you know when that definition is met. You certainly know when it isn't met.
it certainly is a curious one, and something that was debated 8 years ago(!!) at length when finding tesseract led me to start this very thread.........saw them in manchester a couple of weeks ago and can concluded they are pretty much the best live band i have ever seen by the way(and it's a long list!!)....

anyway, i always found that really fast stuff( blast beats and so on) just doesn't sound "heavy" as there is no room for the music to breathe and sit down....for me "heavy" is more to do with the physical weight of sound, low and wide is a prerequisite to my ears.


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Thursday 13th December 2018
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Penelope Stopit said:
Well I never....This stuff makes Motorhead sound tame, then again I've only heard a few of their tracks
I thank you both for educating me and now know that I have no heavy music in my collection. I agree, heavy music sure is a one off
Is this heavy music best listened to when under the influence of something?

Edited...I typed heavy metal in one sentence

Edited by Penelope Stopit on Wednesday 12th December 16:41
the "heavy music" versus "heavy metal" debate happened in april 2010 as welllaugh.....i came to the conclusion i wasn't a "heavy metal" fan at all, rather someone with a bit of a bent for big weighty music to juxtapose my other musical leanings ( which range from depeche mode's beautifully constructed but slightly dark stuff to soundtrack composers like hanz zimmer and guys like jason swinscoe who's "cinematic orchestra" i have been obsessed with since their very first release.....

don't get me wrong, i love some old school bands like iron maiden and am old enough to have got the "thrash" bug in the late 80s when the big 4 ( metallica,megadeth,slayer and anthrax) were in the ascension.....

there have been a lot of milestone albums over the years from a lot of bands from various genres of "heavy" music which covers such a broad spectrum that leads me neatly to your other question.......after the first couple of pages of the thread and the way it was going it was quickly apparent to me that it was a good meeting place for people to share links to bands they were interested in...from me at one end right through to the lads who were listening to stuff i found incomprehensible ....but it's all good and i knew pretty quickly it was going to run on for a good while....maybe not a few months away from 9 years though!!eekbiggrin


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Thursday 13th December 2018
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OldSkoolRS said:
tuscaneer said:
it certainly is a curious one, and something that was debated 8 years ago(!!) at length when finding tesseract led me to start this very thread.........
Should probably put this in the 'tenuous links to famous people' (or whatever) thread, but I was chatting to a young lad outside the rehearsal studios we used to go to. He directed me to the studio where my mates were already setting up, so I thanked him and mentioned to my mates about the 'nice young lad'. Apparently he was Jay from Tesseract...I'd just assumed he was another amateur musician like us having a jam.

Later on we could barely hear our band above them in the next studio. I guess that's a good definition of 'heavy' too. smile
i think jay is one of the best drummers out there at the minute and he seems like a cool bloke ( linked and chatted on instagram) fact every member of the band brings something cool to their stuff..... acle khaney is my guy though, i found his old band after getting into tesseract and if you are liking that type of flavour you need to hear "the hidden words" by "fellsilent" absolute stonker of an album....kind of a prototype tesseract with a very "sikth" feeling to it...

i'm recording an album starting in january ( 3 sessions of 3 songs over a month or so) and i've already emailed khaney (he is the owner of 4D studios) for his services to master it....not that we sound anything like tesseract, pretty far from it actually...but i just love the space and width he manages to create in their stuff.


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231 months

Thursday 13th December 2018
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Lentilist said:
tuscaneer said:
it certainly is a curious one, and something that was debated 8 years ago(!!) at length when finding tesseract led me to start this very thread.........saw them in manchester a couple of weeks ago and can concluded they are pretty much the best live band i have ever seen by the way(and it's a long list!!)....

anyway, i always found that really fast stuff( blast beats and so on) just doesn't sound "heavy" as there is no room for the music to breathe and sit down....for me "heavy" is more to do with the physical weight of sound, low and wide is a prerequisite to my ears.
Really fast stuff has a place, but there needs to be variation, otherwise it just blurs into one. The really extreme slam/brutal death metal (where all the band names end in "...ectomy") fails to engage by virtue of being so OTT (not to mention usually horribly sexist both visually and lyrically), and I find a lot of the ultra-techy death metal fails to click(track) unless there's something to contrast the blasting and guitarsturbation. Oddly, I don't get the same with the very slow stuff, as a lot of it uses very subtle variation and layering to amidst the repetition. Ufomammut's "Idolum" and Bongripper's "Satan Worshipping Doom" are fantastic examples of a slow records that never get boring for me. I'm also an absolute sucker for dissonant and/or icy cold Black Metal riffs, and that's probably the genre I spend most of my time exploring these days.

Still not really "clicked" with Tesseract, although a few more recent discoveries have seen me starting to enjoy that kind of thing a bit more - more in the post-hardcore / metalcore vein, but some of that can also get quite proggy. Wars are well worth a listen.
cool, i'll check them out.. not come across them before....i love fast stuff when it's rhythmically as tight as a duck's arse ...especially when it drops out and slows right down but yeah, you need the contrast or it's all just white noise...

the ultra chaotic stuff, while very technical in a lot of cases just leaves me cold. i just can't get on with dillinger escape plan....

but that side of things does throw up a few gems however, i have got everything that "the bled" ever recorded for instance...absolute cracker of a band that rode the line perfectly..

i've noticed recently that what i think of as post hardcore really isn't any more.....a lot of bands that sound like metalcore to me refer to themselves as post hardcore but in reality are far more "metal" than "hardcore"...

post hardcore in my eyes is defined by the wave of bands that emerges after hardcore died down in the late 80s early 90s....quintessentially defined with the arrival of quicksand's debut ep in 1990...then when "slip" dropped in '92 everything changed.

that album , along with meantime by helmet, is probably the biggest single influence on the way i play guitar to this day...

as to the slow stuff, i've got a real soft spot for "russian circles"....little subtle changes through a 6 or 7 minute affair make the songs fly past as you get sucked in and washed over with their hypnotic approach.


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231 months

Thursday 13th December 2018
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Lentilist said:
Enjoying a bit of this at the moment:-

I'd define that as heavy, even though tonally it's quite mild - just has an atmosphere of unease about it.
i was alright there til it all kicked off and that bloke started barking his head offlaugh


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231 months

Thursday 13th December 2018
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Swervin_Mervin said:
tuscaneer said:
Penelope Stopit said:
Will someone kindly explain what heavy music is, is there possibly a weight difference of the audio files per Mb?
this. at 45 seconds.....i think that about sums up "heavy music" biggrin
That whole album laugh

Heavy is certainly difficult. But yeah, it's the weight of the sound more than anything. You can even step back from metal into rock and still be heavier than a lot of "metal" bands. Chevelle are a case in point:
deftones heavy as fk manbiggrin

i don't actually mind chevelle dude...and yeah, pretty much spot on.

another example of this is kerbdog. ridiculously heavy but so catchy it makes me wanna weep....


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231 months

Thursday 13th December 2018
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Digga said:
tuscaneer said:
Lentilist said:
Enjoying a bit of this at the moment:-

I'd define that as heavy, even though tonally it's quite mild - just has an atmosphere of unease about it.
i was alright there til it all kicked off and that bloke started barking his head offlaugh
Perhaps there was someone at the door?


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231 months

Friday 14th December 2018
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Penelope Stopit said:
I have now listened to some of the music links recently posted here and have found that this style of music is not for me
Before I asked the question here in this topic "What is heavy music" I really did expect it to be all about heavy metal, I wasn't even close, this stuff is definitely of a unique style
We all have different tastes in music yet most of us very likely have one thing in common, that being we don't get anything out of listening to The Spice Girls

tuscaneer - Thank you for your in depth post and I hope I am still around in 8 years time to witness you still posting here in a very popular part of the PH forum
Thank you to all others for the input

This heavy music is too heavy for me, a person needs to be real strong to listen to this stuff

no worries, always a pleasure to discuss this stuffbeer


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231 months

Friday 15th March 2019
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hyro the hero is back...and it's fking great


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231 months

Friday 15th March 2019
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JaymzDead said:
tuscaneer said:
hyro the hero is back...and it's fking great
Hmm I should like that but it's not floating my boat...

This is how it should be done, IMHO obviously! :
i've liked him since the first album.i wasn't aware of him until munky from korn was name checking him left and right about 10 years ago. his debut album was fking ace...

that ironed out sounds a lot like the second wave of hardcore bands from the early 2000s...but from london!


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231 months

Friday 3rd May 2019
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booom!... tickets bought for manchester within 10 minutes of going on sale!!!!!!!!


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Wednesday 8th May 2019
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Miocene said:
tuscaneer said:
booom!... tickets bought for manchester within 10 minutes of going on sale!!!!!!!!
Argh, I love Helmet (Ooo err missus). Nearest to me is London, but still 2+ hours away.

Separately... got tickets to Will Haven in June.

And huge huge news, the new Tool album looks set to arrive this year.

Two new songs from a gig a couple of days back are on Youtube:
fking loved will haven!.. they came to my attention when they signed to revelation....

tool are worse than cinematic orchestra when it comes to waiting for a new album (one whole year worse at 13 years and counting biggrin )
i'm sure it will be worth the wait though!


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231 months

Thursday 9th May 2019
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Miocene said:
Not sure where you're based, but they're playing some odd gigs - Bournemouth in a venue that holds about 100, Milton Keynes, London and Glasgow from memory.

Not got anyone to go with yet and have a spare ticket, but i'm not missing Will Haven playing 10 miles from my house!
if i was closer than 200 miles away (liverpool) i'd come with you and get the ale in biggrin..

i'll have a look now and see how close they are getting to me! beer


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231 months

Friday 17th May 2019
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so we are almost ready after an 18 year hiatus to get back in the recording studio next's taken a few months to put it all back together, more just tightening everything back up really as i've never stopped playing/writing throughout the last 30 odd years..... a very cathartic exercise writing songs with a full band again.......

anyway,it's the same band as before but with a new singer who is nearly 20 years our junior...... we got round to talking about influences etc and the conversation turned to the top 10 most influential albums on each of us... i personally couldn't get the list lower than 20....but it could easily have been 30...

it's only looking at the list i realise that i have a rather off kilter taste in music biggrin

(in no particular order)

iron maiden........ somewhere in time

black flag.....damaged

dag nasty....can i say

descendents....milo goes to college

all................allroy's revenge


biohazard....urban discipline

megadeth.....peace sells

deftones......around the fur

tesseract....altered state

midnight oil,,,,,red sails in the sunset

depeche mode....violator

nine inch nails ....pretty hate machine

cinematic orchestra....motion

rage against the machine....rage against the machine


metallica....master of puppets

the police....regatta de blanc



go on then chaps.... i'd be interested to hear your top 20 most influential albums!!

  • i reserve the right to chop and change throughout the course of the next few days**

Edited by tuscaneer on Friday 17th May 08:45


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231 months

Friday 17th May 2019
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Swervin_Mervin said:
Oooh, interesting one. Surprised to see no Tool in there! 20 is tough - I could easily add another 10 to the following list!)

Here's mine (for today at least) - it is pretty eclectic, but these really are the albums that have shaped my taste in music the most:

Fleetwood Mac - Rumours
Peter Gabriel - So
The Doors - L.A. Woman
Mike Oldfield - Crises
The Cure - All Mixed Up (it's a best of - apologies but I was young!)
XL Recordings - Chapter 2
The Prodigy - Experience
Pantera - Cowboys From Hell
Fear Factory - Demanufacture/Remanufacture
Rage Against The Machine - Evil Empire
Orbital - In Sides
Deftones - White Pony
Tool - Aenima
A Perfect Circle - Thirteenth Step
SikTh - Death of A Dead Day
Protest The Hero - Fortress
Karnivool - Sound Awake
Cog - Sharing Space
Middle Class Rut - Pick Up Your Head
Aesop Rock - The Impossible Kid

Edited by Swervin_Mervin on Friday 17th May 11:01
yeah man, tool didn't hit me at a time that really shaped me...same goes for the cure. great band but they weren't pivitol to me in the way depeche mode were with violator.....i'd been aware of them since i was about 10 when my old fella brought home some great reward but i was 15 when violator hit and was floored...that was around the same time i got pretty hate machine and that fusion of my heavier tastes with the modey side of things knocked me dead!..

as much as i love white pony it was was around the fur from a couple of years earlier that blew me away... adrenaline got me going, around the fur is probably in my top 3 most influential albums.....

actually, i don't know how i missed it but meantime by helmet should easily have been in my list too..

stuff that you would expect me to have been moulded by like pantera and fear factory , not so much!.... ... i was a massive ministry guy though..the mind is a terrible thing to taste probably should have made my list too...


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231 months

Friday 17th May 2019
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Google [bot] said:
Oh well, a probably welcome thread derail.

Pink Floyd - The Wall
Pink Floyd - Dark side of the moon
Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Welcome to the pleasuredome
Peel Sessions - Napalm Death, various
Metallica - and justice for all
Metallica - Garage day’s re-revisited
The Beatles - Abbey Road
Entombed - Clandestine
Iron Maiden - Live after death

I’m sure there are more, just wanted to get them out.

Anyone listen to Intense Degree?
my floyd album was momentary lapse of reason...learning to fly was one of those "moments" for me...

it was and justice for all that got me with metallica as it was the release of that album that showed me how un-heavy maiden werebiggrin
but it didn't resonate with me the way master of puppets did when i got it a few weeks later working backwards through the albums