for fans of heavy music

for fans of heavy music



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228 months

Friday 7th July 2017
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haven't gelled with the new sikth album totally yet....but it's been under a lot of rotational pressure in the car...

it's had to compete with the new northlane album "mesmer"...superb stuff,

along with new uneven structure, ocean grove, powerflo, and a little bit of guilty pleasure in the new bodycount albumlaugh

i don't care if i get shot down...i fkin love this, even though i'll probably tire of it in 5 minutes...


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228 months

Monday 17th July 2017
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been liking volumes since the material very accomplished and quite up my street!


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228 months

Saturday 23rd September 2017
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WitnessProtection said:
Brief return...

In short, I've now reached a point with PH as a whole where I can no longer justify association with it. It's become a cesspit of nastiness, confirmation bias, bigotry, group think and bullying and I no longer wish to expend mental energy on it. There are plenty of far more positive and engaging places I can direct my attention and web traffic instead. I'll add I don't include those on this thread in that depressing summation, but it's a victim of the culture that pervades the wider site, so I'm out. Post deletion was probably OCD of me, but profile deletion doesn't seem to be an option, so it was the next best thing. Hope folks have found my contributions interesting, even if they have tended to be at the more extreme end of the metal spectrum. Bandcamp profile for those who might be interested.

Special mention to Tuscaneer, via whom I have discovered bands and styles I'd never have considered on my self-guided wanderings. Oh, and Praise Mollusca.


sorry to see you go fella.....this thread has been great since i started it 7 years ago...i personally have picked up loads of new bands too....its cool that we've all got such different tastes but have a common thread here.....all the best pal


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228 months

Tuesday 3rd October 2017
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first release from architects since the passing of tom the guitarist from skin cancer. he was involved in the writing of the song and i've got to say i think he'd be very proud of the end result!.. contortionist album out now...this is a bit of a departure from the djenty stuff but isd absolutely superb..the riff kick in at 1 min 20 secs is beautiful


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228 months

Monday 23rd October 2017
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new quicksand!!!!!!.....album out november 10th.....i've only been waiting 22 years for the return...

fking epic.


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7,829 posts

228 months

Monday 23rd October 2017
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oh, and new a perfect circle!.......a good week so far


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7,829 posts

228 months

Monday 23rd October 2017
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yeah, i thought her bass playing was beautiful in a non complicated pure sense.....self assured enough to be prominent without being overstated


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7,829 posts

228 months

Monday 23rd October 2017
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Animal said:
tuscaneer said:
new quicksand!!!!!!.....album out november 10th.....i've only been waiting 22 years for the return...

fking epic.
I love this thread!
mate,...i've been pining for this since '95 laugh ....i'm gonna shout it from the rooftops! music


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228 months

Monday 27th November 2017
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beautiful. album is sensational. on loop in the car for the last week


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228 months

Wednesday 3rd January 2018
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a few old faces popping up again recently....

bass is superb in the new glassjaw (first release in 15 years)

remember converge (jane doe etc??)

they're back and better than ever...


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228 months

Sunday 14th January 2018
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FN2TypeR said:
Their new album is absolutely st hot imo yes
It's exhausting but rewarding!


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228 months

Sunday 14th January 2018
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Can't link to youtube vids from my phone but just discovered a band called "silent planet"....really ,really good....couple of albums out that I have instantly ordered off eBay.. .

Worth a Google!!!!


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228 months

Thursday 1st March 2018
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some interesting bits there cheers tiger!,

there seems to have been an absolute explosion of new bands over the last 12 months...i can't keep up with the amount of new stuff on the dreambound channel it's crazy...

still loving tesseract after 8 years of finding them and starting this very song off forthcoming album

when you watch what acle is doing it's exhausting!

loving silent planet at the minute..


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228 months

Thursday 1st March 2018
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LOTS of great bands coming out of australia at the minute....

northlane are fking ace...

really liking dvsr as an australian hacktivist...


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228 months

Thursday 1st March 2018
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always liked howard jones.....when i first heard rose of sharyn i was blown away by the power of his voice

while we're talking harmonies....

this old sevendust with chino moreno dueting with lajon is breathtaking...for those that haven't heard it


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228 months

Friday 2nd March 2018
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mackie1 said:
tuscaneer said:
LOTS of great bands coming out of australia at the minute....
Caligula's Horse, Voyager, Twelve Foot Ninja and Karnivool are all excellent Aussie bands too.
karnivool first album was great....asymmetry was poor ...

12 foot ninja are fking brilliant!! both their albums


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228 months

Friday 2nd March 2018
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havoc said:
Swervin_Mervin said:
tuscaneer said:
oh, and new a perfect circle!.......a good week so far
Oooooh, thanks for that heads up. Liking it a lot, but it's a shame Freese has gone, and a particular shame that Lenchantin is no longer on bass. Will have to wait for the album to judge fully but on the basis of that track the bass is taking a more of a background role, and seems a little less adventurous or eloquent.
tuscaneer said:
yeah, i thought her bass playing was beautiful in a non complicated pure sense.....self assured enough to be prominent without being overstated
Just catching up on this thread and yes agreed - in a lot of music the bass/drumline is the hook that gets me into the song and the guitar is what turns good into great, but with APC it's often the other way around...the hollow guitars/vocals hook you and then the bass and drums seem to take the lead and take the song up a level.
- The Noose
- Weak and Powerless
- The Package
- Rose

(Passive is probably a more balanced song, with the vocals really driving it home, esp. the live version)
yeah pretty much nail on the head....

while we are chatting bass....

the bass playing on the new glassjaw album is fking amazing you know ....sounds as heavy as a tonne of bricks but the way it rolls around under everything else in a very prominent fashion gives a huge shifting sands feel to the panicky stabbing guitars ......then the vocals seem to thread silver through all the huge lumps. a quite incredible album, especially after a 17 year hiatus

there's a song on it called strange hours which is all sorts of fked up timings with elvis costello-esque vocals....


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228 months

Saturday 3rd March 2018
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Ha!....when strange hours hit me i had to play it back again.and clever!....

Fortunately for me I was on board with glassjaw from the start because my roots were in hardcore so the new York and Washington stuff was where I was at from my early teens. Gorrila biscuits and burn were pretty much my thing so as it all started to morph with fugazi and quicksand and orange 9mm into post hardcore that was the absolute business for me....of course being into all that I was exposed very early on to the newer bands from this altered state hard-core.. ..enter glassjaw!.... I can't believe how good this new album is and to come along at the same time as new quicksand is a blessing....i never thought we would see a quicksand reunion with Walter doing all side stuff with rival schools and vanishing life etc....but even more so with Sergio Vega becoming a permanent replacement for chi cheng in deftones....

It's been a good few months for me musically!

Edited by tuscaneer on Saturday 3rd March 08:00


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7,829 posts

228 months

Tuesday 20th March 2018
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the new tesseract album is going to be quite special


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7,829 posts

228 months

Monday 2nd July 2018
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burn are back!.... missed this last year somehow but just clicked "buy" extremely quickly!....