for fans of heavy music

for fans of heavy music



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Thursday 22nd July 2010
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the breakdown at 2.26 is epic here.these boys lost their way after this album but their last offering seems back on track

Edited by tuscaneer on Thursday 22 July 08:05


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Thursday 22nd July 2010
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wat do you boys think of the new korn song??bit of a let down for me to be honest


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Thursday 22nd July 2010
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hornet said:
tuscaneer said:
sorry in advance to the black metal boys but i find it all very embarrasing.rhythmically,when everything is played at breakneck speed you lose a lot of dynamism.this is why i can't abide blast beat stuff.very accomplished i know but totally devoid of any sympathy to the other instruments.
There's enough BM out there that isn't all blast beats, all the time. In fact I prefer the slower stuff, on the whole. I could of course argue (in a good natured way) that the Korny end of the metal spectrum suffers from the same sort of thing, in that it's the same riffs, the same song structures (quiet bit, shouty bit, another quiet bit, more shouting) and the same vocal styles for oh so many bands. I also find all the gurning and posing utterly stupid, but Black Metal is hardly blameless in that regard!
totally agree fella,i remember after korn jumped off in the 90's every tt and his dog donned an adidas trackie,got some dreads and then simmered and whimpered before letting go full bore.some were ok(ill nino)some were bks(coal chamber)and hundreds i can't even remember!!


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Friday 23rd July 2010
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i'm not negatively fixating on the crazy speeds with bouble bass drum ad nauseum because it can be very effective. i agree for the most part thrash was mono paced but i don't think reign in blood is anywhere near as good as south of heaven or seasons in the abyss.(as an example of thrash not being like this all the time).again,it's each to their own and wouldn't it be ste if we all liked the exact same bands??


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Friday 23rd July 2010
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RV8 said:
tuscaneer said:
hornet said:
tuscaneer said:
sorry in advance to the black metal boys but i find it all very embarrasing.rhythmically,when everything is played at breakneck speed you lose a lot of dynamism.this is why i can't abide blast beat stuff.very accomplished i know but totally devoid of any sympathy to the other instruments.
There's enough BM out there that isn't all blast beats, all the time. In fact I prefer the slower stuff, on the whole. I could of course argue (in a good natured way) that the Korny end of the metal spectrum suffers from the same sort of thing, in that it's the same riffs, the same song structures (quiet bit, shouty bit, another quiet bit, more shouting) and the same vocal styles for oh so many bands. I also find all the gurning and posing utterly stupid, but Black Metal is hardly blameless in that regard!
totally agree fella,i remember after korn jumped off in the 90's every tt and his dog donned an adidas trackie,got some dreads and then simmered and whimpered before letting go full bore.some were ok(ill nino)some were bks(coal chamber)and hundreds i can't even remember!!
I got the first album by Korn when it came out, it has been signed by most of the band. I still think they are alright but the earlier stuff was best imo.
Deftones are another band that have been ripped off - I remember listening to their first album, Adrenaline around '96, at the same time as Downset and Biohazard & Dog eat Dog, remember them?

Good to see another Kerbdog fan, not many people I know even remember them. Nice to know there are other guitarists on here also - own any interesting guitars?
started out with all kinds of st before getting a `74 fender strat.cracking guitar but no weight to the sound so i stuck a dimarzio humbucker on the back to beef it up a bit.slight improvement but nowhere near what i wanted for heavy stuff so got a gibson les paul.fking great piece of kit and i also have that guitar to this day.i could tune right down to c sharp before it sounded too "loose".gibson for heavy work and fender for more finger tappy type playing.jcm 900 marshall head and 2x marshall 12 cabinets with a zoom floor bank of effects pedals.
acoustic i'm a takamine man with a 6 and 12 string.also got an old unnamed flamenco but i can't play like those guys!!


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Friday 23rd July 2010
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oh mate,i wanted the stephen carpenter signature 7 string.until i heard all these crazy bds like animals as leaders and chimpspanner rocking out with 8 strings.the harmonic range in some of the chords you can reach on these things is like having 2 instruments at once.and it can sound heavy as fk to boot!!!!


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Friday 23rd July 2010
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stompboxx said:
In terms of properly heavy stuff...check this out, it's great:!!!!!


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Friday 23rd July 2010
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t84 said:
Raised Fist - And Then They Run:
not come across these swedes before.very hardcore influenced i think.not bad,and seing as we are talking swedish metal/hardcore i give you:

fireside...very quicksand/fugazi influenced but really this album when i dropped.

from the embers of fireside you get to;;;

fking love refused!!


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Friday 23rd July 2010
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i can't believe this is nearly 20 years old now.agnostic fronts first album after roger miret got out of prison for aggrevated burglary!!still hate his voice,sounds like someone spewing up!...just thought i'd share!


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Friday 23rd July 2010
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JaymzDead said:
tuscaneer said:
t84 said:
Raised Fist - And Then They Run:
not come across these swedes before.very hardcore influenced i think.not bad,and seing as we are talking swedish metal/hardcore i give you:

fireside...very quicksand/fugazi influenced but really this album when i dropped.

from the embers of fireside you get to;;;

fking love refused!!
Good call! New Noise is one of my all time favourite songs!

More Swedish post harcore shenanigans:

Oh and following on from the vocals on the Raised Fist tune:

One of the most under-rated English bands of the '90s IMHO
really like that breach stuff,they completely passed me by and i'm not sure why.good call


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Friday 23rd July 2010
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stampin' ground are way old.we supported them in 96 or 97 when they played in liverpool.that trc are fking hilarious!!!it's like a cheesy lock stock and two smoking barrells cockney fest with all the trimmings.except they are playing music like hatebreed !!!nice post!


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Friday 23rd July 2010
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soe original hardcore!!

and to think evan seinfeld married porn star terra patrick and now stars in pornos himself as well as playing guitar in a blues band.fking nutter!!

remember these chaps???
fking loved their debut album.

i notice nobody has mentioned stuck mojo.some excrement but some classics


new stuff^^^^


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Friday 23rd July 2010
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hornet said:
Lots of good stuff on this thread, both old and new. Interesting to see the differences of taste in terms of what people think "heavy" sounds like. For me, it's all about doom riffs that vibrate the flat, maybe with a bit of old school grindcore thrown in for good measure, yet others love clarity and crispness. Don't find Black Metal "heavy" as such, although it works in different ways, especially the stuff that isn't purely blastbeats the whole time (never a fan of Marduk, for example). I'll lob up a load more links when I'm at home, as YouTube est interdit at the office. Can't remember what I've posted already, but we definitely need some Unearthly Trance, Agalloch, Nightstick, Craft, Electric Wizard and Weedeater :-)

Out of interest, anyone else here got the most recent Darkthrone?
i know it's a weird one.heavy ,of course, needs fourths and sevenths and absolutely no fifths!!i still feel that something like deftones-when girls telephone boys

^^^^at 0.45....that is fking heavy to me!!

or perhaps..

again,really heavy sound to me.a real weight to the sound and roll and groove.if it was faster it would lose the weighty impact i think


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228 months

Friday 23rd July 2010
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t84 said:
tuscaneer said:
stampin' ground are way old.we supported them in 96 or 97 when they played in liverpool.that trc are fking hilarious!!!it's like a cheesy lock stock and two smoking barrells cockney fest with all the trimmings.except they are playing music like hatebreed !!!nice post!
Where did Stampin Ground play in Liverpool? Their catalogue is on Spotify now!

Kill II This are good as well!
it was upstairs at one of the old irish pubs on slater street.rosie ogrady's if memory serves me right.there was a local hardcore band who went to my school called will to power who had something to do with them but i'm not sure what.


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Friday 23rd July 2010
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i'll see your savory and raise you "if only tonight we could sleep",the cure cover off the same album!

i agree the deftones have evolved in a really epic way.every album a different flavour but in the same vain.have you heard "kush"?? collaboration with carpenter,b-real and some of the fear factory dudes.

^^^only demos at this stage but will be fking awesome when it's done properly.


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228 months

Friday 23rd July 2010
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helmet changed everything in 92 when unsung came out.staccato guitars were just not happening before this.i like the breakdown in milquetoast.very clever rhythm changes.the chord shifts from 2.58. jesus christ.


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Friday 23rd July 2010
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another helmet corker

and how come nobody mentioned voivod.never heard a band sound like this before or since

Edited by tuscaneer on Friday 23 July 15:37


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228 months

Monday 26th July 2010
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hornet said:
Gompo said:
Good call on Nailbomb, Point Blank is the best thing Max has done since Chaos AD.
Alex Newport probably deserves a mention as well, if only so I can segue into a Fudge Tunnel video smile

Few tracks I've been listening to of late :-

Cathedral - Death of an Anarchist
Darkthrone - Circle the Wagons

tuscaneer said:

^^^^at 0.45....that is fking heavy to me!!

or perhaps..

again,really heavy sound to me.a real weight to the sound and roll and groove.if it was faster it would lose the weighty impact i think
See, they do zilch for me as they sound sterile. Now, 1.43 into This is just cloud9

Edited by hornet on Friday 23 July 20:01
it is perplexing what people deem "heavy".i've just listened to that electric wizard track(from ear,i think it's tuned to c by the way).it could sound heavy but i would need to fk about with the eq on sounds far too mid range biased and there is not enough bass guitar in the mix to truly give it any weight.again,i suppose it's horses for courses but i would think to qualify as heavy in my eyes there would certainly have to be a broadening of the soundscape.


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Monday 26th July 2010
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JaymzDead said:
The real Apache said:
der lads

surprised they haven't had a mensh yet
If we're going down that route, then these guys deserve a mention:

Just to prove that all black metal doesn't have to be about blast-beats all the time:

...and for a definitive example of 'heavy' this takes some beating:
ministry were definately ahead of their time and i agree about meshuggah.fking heavy stuff!!as a musician i find them very unsettling.all those time changes really are insanely difficult to master.(i can't)a bit like dillinger escape plan,every time i listen to them my head gets mashed!


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Monday 26th July 2010
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i didn't think i had until i youtubed them.i watched "blood" and remembered the video from a few years ago.don't realize how i let this pass me by.fking superb!!!just been to hmv for the new 36 crazyfists album and the new trent reznor job(how to destroy angels) and i will have to go all the way back now you bd!!!!seriously,cheers for the nod,good find