Drum and Bass / Jungle - Mid 90's

Drum and Bass / Jungle - Mid 90's



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209 months

Wednesday 7th November 2012
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Did you see my links above - do you know the press?


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209 months

Wednesday 7th November 2012
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Martyn, another couple of gifts for you - if you like your dark amen mashups. These are 97/98 era.




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209 months

Wednesday 7th November 2012
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djdestiny said:
You sure? There are two releases on Runninz thare are both called Control.
Im still hunting for clips smile

Id not heard that obscure one you posted earlier!
We may be talking cross purposes - your earlier post with bad strawberry has impressed me enough not to talk to you for 3 years and yet still give you a large cheque!!!!

I have done the same groundwork around the runninz tune as you - I see different names such as Beyond Reality / Ruffneck / Runninz Kru - trust me I've tried the lot.

I know the tune well - just need to now find it online. It will come as have all the others- if I can find bad strawberry then this should be easy - although it is as unknown, it's not as unknown as that one...

We'll get there - big up for your efforts. Google wont help - I've exhausted it!


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209 months

Wednesday 7th November 2012
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djdestiny said:
You sure? There are two releases on Runninz thare are both called Control.
Im still hunting for clips smile

Id not heard that obscure one you posted earlier!
Posted 4 links for you today - which one was the obscure one?

Its awesome to be able to digress with a like minded and knowledged person - long may it continue!


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209 months

Thursday 8th November 2012
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Added on FB - looking forward to continuing the conversations. I agree about the knowledge amassed, I started in 1994 and it rules my life until around 2000 when it changed.

I used to collate Pirate Radio tapes and record direct from my bedroom, I had a special antennae fitted to my decent seperates system and at one point had around 35 Pirate Radios tuned in. I just collated CD's and cassettes for years then also started with Vinyl for a few years in the middle. I used to DJ and MC too.

Have been thinking about buying a set of 1210's on Ebay and starting up again...


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209 months

Sunday 11th November 2012
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RRSSS said:
Ah yes, the "special antenna" around the metalheadz logo off the wall...

Nothing to add except 103.6 on the nakamichi...

And what are you doing perusing this forum anyways???



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209 months

Sunday 11th November 2012
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RRSSS said:
Ah yes, the "special antenna" around the metalheadz logo off the wall...

Nothing to add except 103.6 on the nakamichi...
Anyway's sahadev, if you really want to laugh about the old days see this:



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18,496 posts

209 months

Monday 12th November 2012
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RRSSS said:
Oh James, just yodelling around... Still shaving your arms?
Shaving arms? You have lost me there.

But I do relish the thought of another Snes Mario Kart battle. Those were the days.


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18,496 posts

209 months

Monday 12th November 2012
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@RRRSS - Too good. Yes, mato was a star.

Dj Destiny - 2 more tune ID's for you and the second one should be challenging.

First, very simple, I know of a remix of Dope Dragons Ready or Not, probably around the same time i.e 96 and it was similar to the original but just a little more amen'y but def dope dragon 'esque'. Do you know what it might be? Whatever it was, it was rarely played and a shame. In fact I only ever heard it once in all the time I was involved in the scene.

The second, well - you remember in the late 80's / early 90's you used to get that small keyring with 4 multi coloured buttons - one of them you pressed and it was a descending bleep that ended in a little digital explosion... In around 95/96 I remember listening to an advert on either Pressure / Don / Dream FM for a new years bash with a tune in the background. It was this descending bleep, with a descending "jump up" bassline - da - da - do do do da... da do do do da.... da do do do da....... (repeat). It was awesome, if I rememer correctly it was a little amen tune but a basic one - classic 95 > 96 transgression tune. I would put money on it being a 95. Any ideas?

Loving the knew fount of knowledge!


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209 months

Monday 12th November 2012
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djdestiny said:
First one is easy! smile
There was a remix of Ready or not, and it was advertised as being released soon at the time (I remember it well, I a huge fan of Dope Dragon and had every release) I only ever heard it on a few tapes, mostly the Full Cycle lot playing it.
Then it disapeared and never got released frown

The other one is doing my head in!
The descending bassline, the only ones that instantly spring to mind are Warhead (obviously not that) and the original Ray Keith - Chopper, but that is probably wrong too lol
I know exactly what you mean by the digital explosion sound, but cant think of any tunes with it in at the mo.... I won't give up yet though mate!
Oh my god, how good am I.
Ok. Apologies for the vid, but lol - this is the keyring, the sound is at 2:38 and is called the nuclear bomb.

This is the sound, almost exactly, to the tune. Your thinking too late - this is an early tune 95 and possibly 94. Like your thoughts re chopper but its too early.



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209 months

Monday 12th November 2012
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The bassline is a basic bass note but chopped / shortened and just serves as a classic rave floorfiller. The nuclear bomb sound happens WITH the drop and with the descending bassline, although it is obviously shorter. It just lays on top of what is a very simple, expected from the era floorfiller.

I never heard it ever played - only on that advert, but because I heard the advert so often it stayed with me and I never knew what the hell it was. It would pre date any chopper in opinion, think more 94 than 96. But probably a 95'er.


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209 months

Monday 12th November 2012
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And futhermore, what it takes Warhead to do one loop in one bar (do do do do) it would take this tune 2 bars to complete it's bassline...


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209 months

Monday 12th November 2012
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djdestiny said:
This is going to do my head in laughlaughlaugh
The only tune that springs to mind at the moment with that sample is Goldie - Digital, but thats 1997 too!
No its more jump up and basic than that. Its not Metalheadz.

It can't be anything well known. I keep thinking Telepathy, and in fact it might have been an advert for telepa lepa - the hardscore steppa - etc etc


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209 months

Monday 12th November 2012
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RRSSS said:
Great times, along with memories of your fiat uno... bow
Nothing beats Tippex explosion and N285 TPK.

(Sorry Martyn, picked up my old best mate from school on the way here)


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209 months

Monday 12th November 2012
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As an aside, Martyn, let's see how good you are at ID ing a tune that I aleady know. This is an absolute fave of mine, and one of the first breakthroughs I had when I started searching online for my, now, back catalogue. I ID'd this by mistake whilst searching the tube back in 2008.

So the clues are, as they were then - it's a rare 97 tune - starts off with a bleep sound and a low key intro, quite haunting - and as the into rolls which is just a delicate ride cymbal ting - it eventually moves into the sound of dripping water. Just before the drop, the dripping water is the last thing you hear before silence. Then BOOM into a hardstep heavy bass with the occasional amen loop at the end of a bar. The bleeps continue, towards the middle when at one point the bleeps flatline (there's the clue) and the tune continues but re arranges around that point, subtly.

That flatline only happens once and is subtle - I was about to continue but my mind said no, leave it at that. Any ideas? I will post it up at some point but some homework for you first.... wink


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209 months

Monday 12th November 2012
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You will, or at least I hope, know the tune. Do you want it?


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209 months

Tuesday 13th November 2012
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djdestiny said:
Does'nt ring any bells!
Around 97/98 I was really trying hard to steer away from
FWIW Thats also when I let my guard drop and started to lose interest.


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209 months

Friday 16th November 2012
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Martyn - been lucky enough to find a snippet of a tune that I know well but have never known what it is. I know the tune well, as will you. It is rare but knowing the game, I guarantee this is an instant answer for you.

24:30 into this mix should do it. When it rewinds. I remember loving this as a teenager, on my pushbike. I heard it a few times, at the time, through Pirate radio.

I predict 1) Instant recognition and 2) A willingness to hear the tune through.

What a stomper, I have fond memories - this for me was the early days.

Feel Good? lol - boom!


Edited by Dizeee on Friday 16th November 23:45


Original Poster:

18,496 posts

209 months

Saturday 17th November 2012
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I need some more Chronic tunes, some of the early gooduns are missing from youtube, can you load some up. 5 and I think 6 or 7 to name but a few, Krusts "DJ" and another I don't know the name of which is a cheeky dilly tune.


Original Poster:

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209 months

Saturday 17th November 2012
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Bryan G eh. He was never as big as the rest of em.

Luckily I managed to grab those that were up (including those 2 above) at the time.

Only downside now is they are not freely available to peruse.

P.S S4 / RS4 looks great on the go pro.