for fans of heavy music

for fans of heavy music



4,445 posts

261 months

Monday 19th July 2010
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JaymzDead said:
Gompo said:
hornet said:
Destroyer 666


Oh, and another vote for Orange Goblin here. Had "Time Travelling Blues" in the car only yesterday.
D666 are supporting Watain here in September. I will be going and should be great. Australia has some bloody good bands, particularly the whole Black/Thrash/War thing.
Destroyer666 and Watain??? Thud!!! I am so there! Are there anymore supports confirmed?
Iceni, who are a UK band. I think they're more of a 'folky' Black Metal. To be honest I'd prefer D666 getting a longer set than seeing anyone else added - unless of course it was somebody very special.

I'll be at the London (Underworld) gig, which I guess is the one you'll be attending. 27th September.


4,507 posts

241 months

Tuesday 20th July 2010
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hornet said:
I seem to be going in the opposite direction. Never a fan of the clean sound really, and I like it even less these days. Personal taste, but to me it just seems to erase any sense of feeling from the music. Makes things sound horribly clinical to my ears, as if it's all been done on a hard drive and not by a living, breathing band.
Maybe it's my rave background. e.g. I loved Remanufacture, Pitchsifter et al.

But then I recently discovered Monster Magnet as well, and the stoner rock thing I kinda like. It can become a bit tiresome and self-indulgent though at times.


57 months

Tuesday 20th July 2010
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i went to see lamb of god a while back who reminded me of anthrax so i started listening to those two bands on heavy rotation for a few months. LOG's sacrament is a bloody good album...


Original Poster:

7,829 posts

228 months

Tuesday 20th July 2010
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i find lamb of god very slayer.still good though.speaking of anthrax i remember among the living when it came out and being blown away by it.still their best album for me.


1,217 posts

203 months

Tuesday 20th July 2010
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Gompo said:
JaymzDead said:
Gompo said:
hornet said:
Destroyer 666


Oh, and another vote for Orange Goblin here. Had "Time Travelling Blues" in the car only yesterday.
D666 are supporting Watain here in September. I will be going and should be great. Australia has some bloody good bands, particularly the whole Black/Thrash/War thing.
Destroyer666 and Watain??? Thud!!! I am so there! Are there anymore supports confirmed?
Iceni, who are a UK band. I think they're more of a 'folky' Black Metal. To be honest I'd prefer D666 getting a longer set than seeing anyone else added - unless of course it was somebody very special.

I'll be at the London (Underworld) gig, which I guess is the one you'll be attending. 27th September.
Yup, I have an Iceni album, although I haven't really listened to it, must dig it out. I was expecting Necro Ritual to be supporting actually as they have supported both band separately. I was hoping as well because the drummer is a mate and I might've been able to blag my way in for free! But I will be there regardless yes, PM me if you want to meet for a beer or whatever.


57 months

Tuesday 20th July 2010
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i went to the "defenders of the faith" tour with a friend having never heard of them. they played with dimmu borgir? who were utterly hilarious. having grown up with the likes of slayer, machine head, sepul-tallica and pantera, a load of blokes in fancy dress and attempting to summoun the antichrist with arms held aloft whilst the stage filled with dry ice was too much...

lamb of god came on though and i was very impressed, just good solid thrash metal with no frills and a healthy repsect to the old school. they worked hard that night, almost as hard as when i saw megadeth a few months before them.


1,217 posts

203 months

Tuesday 20th July 2010
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pablo said:
i went to the "defenders of the faith" tour with a friend having never heard of them. they played with dimmu borgir? who were utterly hilarious. having grown up with the likes of slayer, machine head, sepul-tallica and pantera, a load of blokes in fancy dress and attempting to summoun the antichrist with arms held aloft whilst the stage filled with dry ice was too much...

lamb of god came on though and i was very impressed, just good solid thrash metal with no frills and a healthy repsect to the old school. they worked hard that night, almost as hard as when i saw megadeth a few months before them.
Have you heard their lastest one, Wrath yet? It's their best work IMHO.

I really like Dimmu Borgir, musically they're pretty good although I know the imagery doesn't work for everybody!


6,333 posts

253 months

Tuesday 20th July 2010
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There's some great footage from the most recent Maryland Death Fest that has Nazxul playing in broad daylight, but in full on Black Metal garb - robes, corpsepaint, the whole shebang. Looks very, very silly. I shall have to post an utterly hilarious Nattefrost clip when I get home. I love Black Metal, but it can be very, very daft at times.

Oddly, never really listened to Watain, so may have to rectify that. Been getting into Krypt of late.

Right, here we go...

Daylight Black Metal
Rubber bondage pants of Satan!

Edited by hornet on Tuesday 20th July 19:44


4,445 posts

261 months

Tuesday 20th July 2010
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One of my main problems with 'open air' and outdoor festivals is down to aesthetics with regards to the music, listening to those bands mentioned in that type of environment really shouldnt work.

Jaymz, appreciate your offer of a drink at Watain/D666. Not sure what my schedule will be and may be with my brother + his partner, but I'll PM you nearer the date - it may be a good excuse to leave them alone for a while.


The real Apache

39,731 posts

287 months

Tuesday 20th July 2010
quotequote all
tuscaneer said:
fk me, the more i find from this guy the more impressed i am.wait for the break at about 1.10
3.27 for me, the way this builds..........hairs on end and something in my eye stuff


6,333 posts

253 months

Tuesday 20th July 2010
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Original Poster:

7,829 posts

228 months

Wednesday 21st July 2010
quotequote all
The real Apache said:
tuscaneer said:
fk me, the more i find from this guy the more impressed i am.wait for the break at about 1.10
3.27 for me, the way this builds..........hairs on end and something in my eye stuff
i agree fella,pretty much the whole thing!
liking that tre kid a lot as well.that lady ga ga thing was pretty funny.baqck when we were playing regularly my favourite left field cover version was "like to get to know you well" by howard's surprising how heavy you can make that song sound!

The real Apache

39,731 posts

287 months

Wednesday 21st July 2010
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not my cup of sick but some of you might appreciate a bint at the helm


6,333 posts

253 months

Wednesday 21st July 2010
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New to me, but found via other UKBM clips on YouTube :-

Fen -
Ghast -

Edited by hornet on Wednesday 21st July 21:06


4,445 posts

261 months

Wednesday 21st July 2010
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I listened to Fen a while back, the music is quite decent but the vocals put me off it totally. That Krypt song was good though, I'm a bit disappointed I'd not heard them before.

Out of the very recent UKBM bands I think Winterfylleth and A Forest of Stars are my favourites.


6,333 posts

253 months

Wednesday 21st July 2010
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I like the vocals on that Fen track. I suppose you could argue they're a bit generic, but it fits things to my ears. Been out of the UKBM loop for an age, so it's nice to see new and interesting stuff out there. I got a bit bored when everyone was trying to be Cradle of Filth or just trying to play as fast as possible the whole time, so it's nice to see bands trying a different approach. That said, a bit of full on attack doesn't hurt, hence enjoying that Ghast track. I too had completely missed Krypt. Formed from the ashes of Tsjuder I think, who I never listened to, so that probably explains why they passed me by.

Weird isn't it, I must have gone a decade paying no attention to Black Metal at all, now I'm really getting back into it, doubtless as a reaction to all the dismal power metal out there these days smile


4,507 posts

241 months

Wednesday 21st July 2010
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tuscaneer said:
fk me, the more i find from this guy the more impressed i am.wait for the break at about 1.10
Loving this guy's stuff. Finding some genuinely different stuff in this thread that's grabbing my attention.

Although the whole black/death metal thing really isn't for me. wink


1,570 posts

174 months

Wednesday 21st July 2010
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Some good stuff here I havent heard before, Chimp Spanner is awesome.

The real Apache said:
not my cup of sick but some of you might appreciate a bint at the helm
The bass intro is very 90's. I quite like it actually but female vocals don't do it for me in heavier music.

The 90's is when I started getting into heavier stuff, Nailbomb, Entombed, Carcass etc I don't know if you've ever heard of Failure they are not really heavy and passed by without getting much airtime but I rate Ken Andrews (year of the rabbit, ON, replicants) as a good guitar player and Greg Edwards (Autolux) they are one of those 90's bands I've liked for years.
They covered Enjoy the Silence (who hasn't) by Depeche Mode, there is a scruffy version of them playing it live here:
Greg's lead is a nice improvisation.

I always liked Kerbdog another 90's rock band. Front-man Cormac Battle, like a few other guitarists plays in an odd way - a right handed guitar but he holds it like he's playing a left hander without reversing the strings.


Original Poster:

7,829 posts

228 months

Thursday 22nd July 2010
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sorry in advance to the black metal boys but i find it all very embarrasing.rhythmically,when everything is played at breakneck speed you lose a lot of dynamism.this is why i can't abide blast beat stuff.very accomplished i know but totally devoid of any sympathy to the other instruments.then we get to the vocals.either the pig squeals or the feux gruff all sounds so....fake to me.don't get me wrong, screamy vocals totally work in a "deftones" way, but not in a "death" way.for me at least.

seeing as we are talking kerbdog...

fking criminal these guys weren't huge.i can't even find "on the turn" album version on youtube!!played with them once years ago and can honestly say they were the loudest small venue band i have ever heard.painful.but superb!

Edited by tuscaneer on Thursday 22 July 07:39

Edited by tuscaneer on Thursday 22 July 07:40