for fans of heavy music

for fans of heavy music



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Monday 8th August 2011
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i think i was 12 when maiden came out with somewhere in time.for a kid who knew deep purple and led zep it was like i had been thrust foreward into the future by about 3 millenia


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Monday 8th August 2011
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derestrictor said:
Somewhere in Time? I remember that album's release and groaning as the 'Maiden by numbers' formula shifted up into warp drive.
yeah,i never said it was the pinnacle of their back catalogue and indeed there is a lot of duplication over the years of maiden just happened to be the first time i encountered them.retrospectively number of the beast is more important,but who moves the game on every single time they release an album?

of the bands i listed above most have had a big influence on metal at the time of a difinutive release.when helmet released meantime it was awesome to a budding guitarist like me.i just hadn't heard anything like it before.(that was ,what, 1991??)

same goes for deftones and korn.when korn jumped into the collective conciousness with their first release it was mental(considering that megadeth and co. were still churning out the rehashes of previous successes)

every single deftones release is superb and they are quite unlike any other artist.

i've definately got rose tinted specs on for the bands of my youth as well but i definately appreciate a lot of what has been going on in the last 20 odd years


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Tuesday 30th August 2011
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just got the new periphery ep last week.really,really moving it on now.the new version of jetpacks was yes! is so much better than the album version.the sound is getting a lot deeper now and the singer is really getting it together.i've had the tesseract and fellsilent albums on loop for months now.milton keynes,hey??!!must be something in the water!
quite like aliases and a lot of the basick records bands but their new signing is fking increadible.

i give you circles.....


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Thursday 1st September 2011
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it might be worth you looking back over the last 27 pages for some inspiration fella,i started this thread last year because i'd just discovered tesseract and had to share!! loads of good bands/projects name checked throughout this thread.i've found a few bands from recommendations and some i've discovered when looking at the side bar of youtube when looking at other posters suggestions here.if you go back a bit chech out bloke from ohio and if you like the djenty sound he's right up your street.not really djent but similar tones etc. in fact i'll save you the bother....

Edited by tuscaneer on Thursday 1st September 16:07


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Friday 2nd September 2011
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CommanderJameson said:

Muchy likey.
you're welcome mate!! bought the ep off the basick records website a couple of weeks ago and annoyingly still hasn't turned up.i'm obsessed,i'm on forever on youtube.about 100 of their watch count tallies are off me!

i can second the shout for chimp spanner,ortiz blends the styles well...
for the uninitiated...


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231 months

Friday 2nd September 2011
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Gompo said:
Basick Records warehouse was supposedly attacked during the riots the other week. Might be worth an email.

Trivium? Like most of that 'American/Modern' Metal it is just essentially Pop Music with guitars, it doesn't connect with me like most other strains of Metal.
fk me,i didn't know that!!

another vote from me for trivium not being up to much.technically 2 good guitar playes but too retrospective for no good reason to my ears.similar in many ways to bullet for my valentine.too much style over substance for me


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Friday 2nd September 2011
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yeah,i take your point mate.i think meshuggah started something that was initially quite unaccessable but sparked something in people like misha mansoor and then the doors got blown off! kind of like what helmet did 20 years ago and what came after.the thing(for me at least) is that the periphery/animals as leaders thing doesn't sound like a carbon copy of meshuggah,more a progression from it.bfmv and trivium just seem to sellotape a handfull of riffs together that has a more cliched feel to it rather than a meaningful progressive expression


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Friday 2nd September 2011
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yeah,i bought roadrunner united specifically due to that track.quite remarkable when you think heafy penned it at what??19 or 20 years old??

i'm a lame tt when it comes to getting out to gigs due primarily to working 65 hours a week and having a 4 year old daughter to keep me occupied.been to some crackers over the years mind.clash of the titans at birmingham nec co headlined by megadeth/slayer.i think that was '91.

saw 'at the drive in' at leeds .fking epic.

tell you what is quite good.remember when zach left rage??

surfaced again a year or so ago with the drummer from at the drive in with "one day as a lion"

zach goes back to rage and the 'at the drive in' drummer takes the members of 'at the drive in' who went on to form 'sparta' and hooks up with a rapper called 'hyro da hero'.i think that's how it all went down.anyway,fking great album.

edited to add..........those two drummers look different!!!i'll have to shoot my source!!the fking dhead!whatever the story,the short version is that ex members of at the drive in are doing some pretty cool st!!

Edited by tuscaneer on Friday 2nd September 14:33

Edited by tuscaneer on Friday 2nd September 14:36


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Monday 5th September 2011
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vocals are a very emotive subject.very unimportant for me (see all of bulb's solo stuff-just doesn't need vocals).however bad vocals ruin the whole setup.just barking all the time to me seems like missing a trick.the melodic possibilities of sung vocals open up the soundscape somewhat whereas monotone shouting really limits the complexity of the delivery.a perfect example of this is rollins band.his vocals sort of suited scratchy lo-fi stuff like black flag but when yopu start introducing 5 string jazz bass players to chris haskett's already off beat guitar style(like on "weight")the possibilities for really intersting melody lines are lost.

deftones are a perfect example of making the most of unusual chord progressions and augmenting the unusual with unexpected vocal melodies.defones are no less aggresive for chino's quieter,more vocally complex moments.

certain shouty/screamy stuff sounds so contrived wheras other bands with constant shouty vocals sound honest at the very least.


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Friday 9th September 2011
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captainmatt said:
Ok so just got back from seeing TesseracT with Chimp Spanner and Uneven Structure on support. Uneven Structure made a good start - sort of a weird hybrid of Meshuggah and TesseracT with a bit of Devin Townsend thrown in too - will be getting their debut album for sure. Chimp Spanner up next who just blew me away. So so so so so so good. Paul Ortiz (the main man) seemed a little nervous and shy at first, but bloody hell the riffs were just killer, the perfect blend of melody and crippling heaviness, and the drummer bobbing his head away in the background raised a few smiles.

TesseracT were on good form with their new singer - felt his softer vocals could do with a little work though, sometimes fell into a sort of falsetto type thing which didn't really fit, but technically speaking they were on good form.

Band of the night were definitely Chimp Spanner though. Outstanding stuff.
didn't even know they were all on tour!! sounds good,i'm straight onto basick's website now for details


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Monday 12th September 2011
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fullgear1 said:
Awesome, I love it. Kind of reminds me of Firewind, one of my favorite bands of all time. They play neoclassical metal, something I truly love. This band sounds amazing though. Great stuff mate smile
cheers, fella!! and it only took you 18 months to reply to the post!! seriously though, have a root through the last 31 pages,you'll find some gems


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231 months

Monday 12th September 2011
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Gompo said:
I've expressed that I dont mind some Djent on page 1, but most of it seems to have a decent 'Djent'/chug bit, a technical guitar riff or 5 and then a horrible clean singing, with a supposedly euphoric chorus bit..

Can anyone recommend some stuff that has less of the latter? I'm not a massive fan of the technical guitar but fine with it, but I really want the chug + the drumming that goes with it. I know Meshuggah just about fits the bill but out of the newer bands who are the heaviest/least commericial/most 'difficult' to listen to? I dont really like generic Deathcore growls either, but they're tolerable if the music is decent.

I cant be sure I've checked all those on this thread, but of all those mentioned on here I think Cloudkicker are the one I like most, but to be honest I think they're borderline in terms of being Djent and instrumental so can't have rubbish vocals..

going back 20 odd years it was always the chuggy staccato guitars and drums that got me going.there were some hardcore bands that were dipping their toes in it back in the 80's like gorilla biscuits and burn but it was definately helmet and quicksand that really got the ball the late 90's you had orange 9mm and downset.whilst being quite different,very similar execution.another one to note is the vendetta album by throwdown


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231 months

Monday 12th September 2011
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it is what it is i think.periphery,fellsilent,circles etc. really need a tightness,almost synthetic quality to the production wheras black flag would sound ridiculous with even a tenth of the production quality.funnily enough,and as much as i bang on about symphonic standards of production, i have noticed a lot of the remastered old thrash and metal(particularly AAD and ADD)just doesn't sound right now it isn't on vinyl anymore.

i don't see any point in arguing about it.we all like what we like.while most of what i listen to happens to be on the heavy/melancholly side of the fence my music collection is massively varied.i don't feel like i get hung up on if something is metal or not,underground or mainstream.

a lot of my most listened to favourites aren't "heavy" in a metal sense at all.depeche mode,sting/police,midnight oil,flamenco in general me,i've even got the madonna album something to remember!!there's quite a lot of shoegazer material on ther i'm telling you!!!

on a separate note,who is that new "metal" band that are all dressed up like kiss??? all make up and glam looking but trying very hard to be metal??i think in one of the videos they fall to earth as if they are meteorites or something?? load of bks anyway


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231 months

Monday 12th September 2011
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actually,remember when"nu-metal" kicked off?? all these bands like coal chamber and spineshank came out of the could see from a mile away they were never going to do anything other than last a couple of years and disappear.that said,not every band can have the difinutive new sound that will influence a generation like the pixies or minor threat.

Edited by tuscaneer on Monday 12th September 15:23


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Wednesday 28th September 2011
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jesus christ!! i remember that vividly.and it doesn't seem like a quarter of a century ago either!!


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Monday 3rd October 2011
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hornet said:
I think it just comes down to whether you like your heaviness clean or dirty. I much prefer the dirty sound over the polished approach. Not singling out Gojira especially, they're just there as the current darlings I guess. I never liked Fear Factory either, I just didn't have an internet to argue on back then smile

I want my metal nasty again!

I'll shut up now smile
not noticed before but that early carcass stuff was REALLY undisciplined in the time keeping department! probably one of the very reasons it appeals to you i suppose.i can see your perspective as i used to have a really soft spot for dinosaur jr. who always sounded like it might just all fall apart at any minute!


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231 months

Monday 3rd October 2011
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here's an interesting about sharing your musical influences outside of metal????

here's a snapshot of mine.......flamenco music(no guitarist can deny the draw of this stuff!!)

vicente amigo...genius..

depeche mode..really sour from '86 onwards.i think a massive influence on a lot of metal..especially industrial/electronic stuff as well as the more mellancholly gear like deftones

i'm on my way out for an hour or so but will carry this on long as anyones interested!! tell me to shut up if you want but i genuinely am interested in what makes you all tick musically.


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231 months

Monday 3rd October 2011
quotequote all fascinates me where peoples musical roots are.

commaderjameson....really like that pete namlook guy.not come across him before but very reminiscent(at least to my ears) to early stuff by alan parsons project.very similar synth sound.if you like that kind of stuff you may well like one of my favourite soundtrack style composers in tim story...

this is his collaboration with hans jochim rodelius under the banner "lunz".a bit more organic maybe but the synth work against the natural piano is fantastic..

that qntal stuff is like the bd child of depeche mode and rammstein with the tart out of nightwish thrown in for good measure!! i actually quite like it. aren't,infact, my old drummer phil are you????!!!!our guilty little secret was liking duran duran,nick kershaw and howard jones.we always loved phil collins era genesis the best.there i've said it!despite being in a metal band together!!we used to love odd covers and one of my favourites(although i never got to do it live, was like to get to know you well by howard jones...what a fking perfect piece of songwriting..

tears for fears were and still are some of the best songwriters to come out of the uk.have a taste of this.....when the piano kicks in at 55 seconds..oh god!!

and we can't leave nik kershaw out can we??.....for me the most prolific song writer of the early 80's purely because of his chord sequences

one last more for a drummer you are probably not aware of a guy called rob hirst.he was the drummer for australian rock group midnight oil.everyone thinks of them as the post diesel and dust band but if you go further back to the earl 80's they were very unusual and is a few examples but i'm gonna start with a song i really want you(as a drummer)to see through to the end.i will be surprised if you aren't very impressed with what this guy does with it....(from 2.35 if really can't be arsed waiting!!!)

heres a couple of live tracks to see how powerful they were .very organic and clever...and fking amazing live



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231 months

Monday 3rd October 2011
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Gompo said:
My favourite artists outside of Metal are generally quite mainstream, I got into Metal at quite an early age and generally followed that scene but always had other outlets. I dont delve that deep into them though. A few favourites:

The Prodigy, Orbital, Leftfield, Carter USM (early), DJ Shadow, Utah Saints, Faith No More, Daft Punk. There's then 1000s of other songs from a variety of other genres that seem to connect. Whether 'Bubblegum Pop', Death Industrial or even the occassional horrible Indie Rock song.
always loved faith no more,dabbled in a bit of prodigy but always felt they could have expanded more on the i first heard ...endtroducing by shadow i was in awe.absolutely fantastic and deliciously dark considering his influences were mainly new york party dj's from the 70/80's.i'm also a bit of a closet new order fan.never liked thwe dross that spawned from it but loved a lot of their stuff none the less.

i haven't mentioned elvis costello yet have i?????