Drum and Bass / Jungle - Mid 90's

Drum and Bass / Jungle - Mid 90's



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209 months

Saturday 3rd November 2012
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Does anyone on here have any interest in this?

I spent my childhood growing up to underground pirate radio stations and thanks to youtube have managed to collate most of my old cache.

I don't have much interest in commercial / cheese but have compiled a careful CD collection over the last 3 years of proper quality tunes. Many are extremely rare.

If so I am happy to share some links on here.


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209 months

Saturday 3rd November 2012
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Just posted on the other thread re this, having done so and without wishing to fill that one with links, I will post some below for those that are interested. These are different to the others I posted. Please post up if you enjoy as I am keen to start a sharing thread, where we can all post up finds. I am bursting with links and tunes so this is just a drip feed for me...

Some of my memorable ones:

Tech Itch - Rare Darkside Amen - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7O3j69ki570

Frontline 96 / Incredible Intelli-Amen - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BSgiIWbeQiQ

Hard Leaders - hidden gem - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=njD_Zq3pAwI

Looking forward to sharing more if poss...


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18,504 posts

209 months

Saturday 3rd November 2012
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Sounds good. There is a tune ID I currently have up on youtube which I will be impressed if you can help with, however I think it is a one off so may not be something you have heard...



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18,504 posts

209 months

Saturday 3rd November 2012
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I'm going to go over your links later with a glass of wine, I will let you know if there are any there I haven't heard.


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18,504 posts

209 months

Saturday 3rd November 2012
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On the same set there was a tune that had the vocals, males, going "falling down"..."down"... then jus before the drop it goes "falling" then boom. The drop is like a wavey bass note, and it's not an amen just a jump up intelligent style beat. Need to find that too...


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209 months

Saturday 3rd November 2012
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Yes that's the one, awesome thanks been after it a while. I can see you being useful.

The other one I am desperate for and I forget the name although did find out recently is another 96 one. Just before the drop a bloke goes "control" then it is extended out "cooonnnttttrrrooolll" before another wavey bassline, but it is jump up. As I couldnt find it on youtube I gave up looking and forgot the name - I'll see if I can find it.


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209 months

Saturday 3rd November 2012
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No it starts off with what sounds like screaming which loops over a dark hardstep beat. Then just before the drop it goes totally silent, and the bloke goes "control...(pause) control....(pause)then a slightly echoed / electrified ccooooonntttrrooollll" then it drops. It's a bit of a weak and wooly drop but I love the intro.

Ill try and dig out what the name of it was - its a 95/96 one and its not a familiar name.

Edited by Dizeee on Saturday 3rd November 16:26


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18,504 posts

209 months

Saturday 3rd November 2012
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No my post is too old to find on the d and b forum.

Heres another for you, whats the one Kenny Ken used to drop all the time "Think.... Like a.... Killer"....boooom


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209 months

Saturday 3rd November 2012
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2 tunes into your list above and haven't heard either so it's looking good! Going to be a great evening on the PC. Luckily I have a Bose Companion system so playing these tunes are awesome, they sound better through my PC than they did back in the day, although my neighbours won't thank me.


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209 months

Saturday 3rd November 2012
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Oh your Mwebster, I'm already subscribed. You must have seen loads of my comments on videos already.


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209 months

Saturday 3rd November 2012
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Amazingly as I click on your 3rd link, I realise that the tune I am speaking of above was on Runninz... what a co-incidence.


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209 months

Sunday 4th November 2012
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CrabDan said:
That sounds like Badass but I thought everyone knew that track, so maybe not...
lol no its def runninz.... All I know is that it is not on youtube, which surprises me.

Even discogs didn't answer the question.

Its a stomper and one that you would know - if u were so inclined... wink


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18,504 posts

209 months

Sunday 4th November 2012
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CrabDan said:
*All together nowww

"Trick of tech-tech of tech-of technology" biggrin

I'm really pleased you posted that -

Firstly because it's a tune bow

But mainly because it leads me to a remix of it - which I know well and found years ago BUT answers the question as to what style of junglist I am.

This, in it's entirety depicts what I am proud of...



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209 months

Sunday 4th November 2012
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This seems to have been removed from youtube on all counts. ETA looking at the comments there's a copyright issue / argument.

Don't care - it's one of my faves.... Found it hiding under a diff name. Its Dead Calm by Dom / Roland.


Edited by Dizeee on Sunday 4th November 00:34


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Original Poster:

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209 months

Wednesday 7th November 2012
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djdestiny said:
Calling Dizeee! Not sure if you noticed above that I posted the answer to your long standing unknown... smile
Oh gosh, no I'm on holiday so hadn't noticed, but have just seen link so that's amazing - thanks very much. Who the hell is Nebula anyway???

If you can find me a link to the other one on Runninz - I will take you up for a slap up meal in London at a time of your choosing wink


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209 months

Wednesday 7th November 2012
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What a stomper - however sounds crap on the Phillips speakers I am being forced to use at the moment, can't wait to get home and blast it out on the Bose... MORE PLEASE!!!!


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209 months

Wednesday 7th November 2012
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Here's a couple in return which are the A and B side of the same vinyl. I helped some guy name it after he put up an ID request - I had this on vinyl and always loved it, although never heard it elsewhere it any point over my long jungle d and b career.

The only issue here is that the uploader has uploaded the tracks way too fast, but at least you get to hear them. One of the most complex breakbeats that I am aware of committed to vinyl. Loads of interesting drops too on both sides.




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18,504 posts

209 months

Wednesday 7th November 2012
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CrabDan said:
This is one of my favourites:

Funnily enough just downloaded the Ray Keith remix on same label / era - but yes this one is just as good with it's Boymerang style drums.


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18,504 posts

209 months

Wednesday 7th November 2012
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djdestiny said:
Nebula 2 wrote some of the biggest tunes in 1992/3 released on J4M and Reinforced.

Unfortunately I dont have the one on Runninz, but as I posted earlier, I think I know which release it is.
You can buy a copy on vinyl for a couple of quid on discogs but I need to find a clip first to confirm if its the one smile
I know exactly what you mean - all I can say is that the into is better than the drop - typical 96 jump up into but sounds dark - constant loop in background of a scream (think halloween) as well as an echoes synth that sounds vaguely like an arcade machine... then silence and simply "Control..... Control..... Cooonntrroollll" before it drops with a very simply wavey almost cheesy bassline groove. The bassline starts off low then at the end of each loop goes high, and so on and so forth.

I am racking my brains to think of what it was called, all I remember was that it was NOT called Control and was some weird name.