Photo of your unpretentious food

Photo of your unpretentious food



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76 months

Sunday 3rd March
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This may have legs, it may not. Inspired by a 'RichTea' (if he's still around).

Seeing as the other photo threads seem to focus on the more 'professional' end of dining, I was wondering if there were average (or below average) chefs who would be up for sharing photos of their standard food consumption.

Let me make this clear from the start, I am in no way having a dig at the 'foodies', showing the quality end of the culinary spectrum. It all looks amazing. But some of us can only dream of that sort of fare on a regular basis.


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76 months

Monday 4th March
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Here's tonight's dinner.

Loin of pork, slow roasted with a rub of herbs/spice/garlic/honey with a jacket potato and a sprinkle of cheese.

It's not a massive knife and fork, it's a side plate.


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76 months

Wednesday 6th March
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Cold leftovers day: garlic bread with chicken...


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76 months

Wednesday 6th March
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LordHaveMurci said:
That's impressive


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76 months

Wednesday 13th March
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illmonkey said:
I am both disgusted and a little aroused such a thread exists.

Between you and I, I dare not post this in the fancy thread, for fear of being torn apart. But, alas, savvy me takes a left over lunch from work, goujons (hereafter to be referred to as gouj) and potatoes, combine some out of date small wraps, a questionable onion, the end of my jar of jalas and of course CHEESE. Combine for several minutes and you’ll end up with something a pissed head could only dream of after a weekend bender.

You may be surprised to see a drought of potatoes only the Irish could be proud of, but relax my little munchkins, for I will be joining our superior drunk overlords and partaking in school night drinking this evening, saving the remaining of the golden tatties and a singular gouj for afters.

Disaster struck as we lost a Murphy overboard, but I rose to the challenge and polished it off without haste, for I am an unpretentious fool.

Good morrow
Good work.


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76 months

Wednesday 13th March
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Tonights dinner....

My take on fish finger sandwich. It was a roll and it was battered fish fillets, however the original plan was to have 2 potato waffles with it but after cooking (and then checking the best before on the box) they had to go in the bin. They basically disintegrated into waffle dust. Shoving the fish in a roll was a good save.

I'm not fussy on what plates I use.


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76 months

Thursday 14th March
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droopsnoot said:
Same as last Tuesday, Iceland fish and some oven chips, but this time done in the air fryer hence the fish having to be cut in half. Fish is probably a bit over-done, but the chips are better than they were in the oven last week.

The fish looks good. I should get me an air fryer one day, everyone raves about them! BTW ..Your glass plates are very 1970's!


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76 months

Monday 18th March
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bodhi said:
As unpretentious as it gets.

As long as you ignore the sea salt seasoning and posh air fryer used for the chips.
It could be more unpretentious by dropping the chips on the same plate as the rest of the stuff and saving some washing up.


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76 months

Tuesday 19th March
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76 months

Wednesday 20th March
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Only one photo, but it covers 2 days as I've had the same thing to use it up. Beef mince 5% fat, mushrooms, peppers, onion, celery, garlic, black pepper, paprika, oregano, lentils and tomatoes with grated cheese.


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76 months

Thursday 11th April
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Mobile Chicane said:
Not wishing to speak for Dickymint himself, but that needs lube.
No, looks perfect as it is, no taste altering juices required. Personally I'd swap the peas out for scrambled eggs.


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76 months

Saturday 13th April
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daqinggregg said:
Fried eggs on buttered toast.

Viscosity shot.

What the hell is all that stuff on top of the egg?!


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76 months

Tuesday 23rd April
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Looks good.


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76 months

Tuesday 23rd April
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Dinner tonight: pork steak and mushrooms sandwich. Very tasty.


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76 months

Monday 29th April
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Dinner tonight ... a 3 pork steak sandwich. Fried with garlic, mustard, pepper and mixed herbs.

I wouldn't usually eat 3 in a sandwich but use by date was 2 days ago so best to get them consumed in one go.


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76 months

Thursday 2nd May
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Super Sonic said:
Why no butter?
I'm happy with unbuttered bread in most scenarios, especially when the bread is fresh. Also as I use real butter (for toast) and even though it's not kept in the fridge, trying to spread it on fresh bread just rips the bread apart. So I don't bother.

Not a fan of sauces either. I don't dislike them necessarily in terms of taste but most meats I prefer dry if they've just been cooked. Meat from the fridge is somewhat drier so then I just eat it by itself with no bread or heat it up and slap between some bread.


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76 months

Wednesday 29th May
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bodhi said:
Looks good.


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76 months

Wednesday 29th May
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CharlesdeGaulle said:
Cheese omelette. Very slightly overdone for my tastes but not bad at all.

Love it.


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76 months

Thursday 30th May
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I'd have swapped the taco out for a wrap or pitta or anything easier to control. Or just make mini taco's out of Doritos.


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76 months

Friday 7th June
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PhilAsia said:
'Tis on a plate, but it's snot on a plate...
The runny stuff is ok if it's melted cheese. If it's egg then it's a no from me.