Pistonheads whisky cask



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205 months

Thursday 18th August 2011
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Anyone fancy going in on an Octave from Glenglassaugh?

Peated/Unpeated spirit
Bourbon or sherry

I quite fancy a peated sherry cask... Or peated bourbon. Or unpeated bourbon! Having tasted a few of Glenglassaugh's current stocks as well as their new-make spirit I can vouch for the quality.

It works like this:

Cask purchase (includes storage for 7 years) is say £700

Between 7 people we each pay £100.

An octave takes 50 litres of spirit, this obviously decreases over time, after 7 years there might be around 40 litres left, the equivalent of 57 bottles. So your £100 investment would give each person 8 bottles.

Duty and VAT have to be paid at the time of bottling, at the moment it's about £26/litre of alcohol so if the whisky is, say, 57%ABV duty at todays rate would be £10.38 per bottle. There is also a small fee for bottling, I don't know how much it is but I'll find out today, probably around £2/bottle.

We get our own cask, we can get whatever we want stencilled on it. We get a sample once a year (and can buy additional samples)


Edited by Lefty on Wednesday 28th December 10:59

Edited by Lefty on Thursday 2nd February 15:02


Original Poster:

16,296 posts

205 months

Thursday 18th August 2011
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One thing I should say is that their peat is nothing like Islay peat, it's sweet and smoky and heathery, more like Highland Park peat than Ardbeg...


Original Poster:

16,296 posts

205 months

Thursday 18th August 2011
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Coneyhurst Blue
Mr E?


Original Poster:

16,296 posts

205 months

Thursday 18th August 2011
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Coneyhurst Blue
Mr E?


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16,296 posts

205 months

Thursday 18th August 2011
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Mr E said:
Yah, for a hundred notes I'm in. I'd prefer a peated sherry for preference, but would be happy with a bottle of something that was "mine" (if that makes sense).
£100 notes plus the bottling charge and duty so more like £200 in total...


Original Poster:

16,296 posts

205 months

Thursday 18th August 2011
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There are no guarantees of what the final price will be.

Y'all need to be aware that the only fixed cost is the initial cask purchase price.

Glenglassaugh will do everything they can to keep bottling costs to a minimum but shape of bottle, type of label etc that we choose will all affect those costs.

Duty they have no control over, your guess of what alcohol duty will be in 7 years time is no better or worse than mine. It will certainly go up.

I would say that if you assumed a price of £30/bottle you would probably be covered.

Note as well, from the T's & C's that you are not allowed to sell the bottles. wink

If anyone's not sure, it's probably best not to get involved, it's a fairly long-term deal.

I'd suggest that if we get enough people we draw up a nice simple contract together, stating what's what. I'd be happy for people to send me the money and i'll buy the cask and deal with Glenglassaugh directly.


Original Poster:

16,296 posts

205 months

Thursday 18th August 2011
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Coneyhurst Blue said:
Lefty said:
One thing I should say is that their peat is nothing like Islay peat, it's sweet and smoky and heathery, more like Highland Park peat than Ardbeg...
This is very interesting.
I am happy with whatever - also if we are struggling for numbers i'll take two slots ?
I think we should give it a while for those that may be away to log in and see ?
7 years is a long time to wait - the joys the joys !
Oh absolutely, I thought we could give it a week or so before placing the order.

I just used 7 as an example, no reason why we couldn't have 10 members or whatever.

What I was saying about their peat is, of course, that their local maltings use peat from Aberdeenshire and the surrounding area. They don't cut their own peat and malt their own barley. Yet... wink


Original Poster:

16,296 posts

205 months

Thursday 18th August 2011
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Mr E said:
Lefty said:
There are no guarantees of what the final price will be.

Y'all need to be aware that the only fixed cost is the initial cask purchase price.


I would say that if you assumed a price of £30/bottle you would probably be covered.
To be honest, I'm interested because it's a bit of fun, and more interesting than buying the usual stuff off the shelves....
I completely agree.

I spent an afternoon up there tasting from casks, their whisky is properly good.

Try to get your hands on their "spirit drinks", they're reasonably priced and will give an indication (just that) of what the new-make spirit is like.

I've tried spirit that's been in a bourbon octave for 2 years and it was beautiful.


Original Poster:

16,296 posts

205 months

Thursday 18th August 2011
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TFatC said:
I am up for this! Keep me informed of progress and where/how much to send!

Coneyhurst Blue
Mr E?
Just being nosy, looking at your profile. I think I used to have a Landrover that belonged to you once, a 110 station wagon in a fetching reddy-brown colour?


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16,296 posts

205 months

Thursday 18th August 2011
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TFatC said:
Certainly used to have one, 200 TDi K or L plate, loads of rust! After several alternatives I now have a Disco TD5
Yeah, L223 something, I bought it from a fella in Stoney who bought it from you! Ran it for 6 months and in the end a fella from portsmouth won it on ebay and drove it all the way home!


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16,296 posts

205 months

Thursday 18th August 2011
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S6PNJ said:
Lefty, If I understand this correctly, it will take between 3 and 7 years before we see 'our' whisky. Is that correct? How do you intend to keep track of everyone over this period?

I'm definitely interested (will confirm soon) and would prefer a peaty whisky - my favourites are Laphroig, Lagavulin, Talisker, Oban, Bowmore and I could go on - just to give you an indication. Would that make me Sherry or Bourbon cask?
Interesting point.

Probably not via PH. Email once a year probably when the samples come out. It would have to be the responsibility of the members to let me know if you change email address, move house or whatever.

I'll give everyone my home address, phone numbers, various email addresses etc and I'll need the same from everyone else.

I'll send copies of the receipt and paperwork to everyone and, of course, anyone can visit the distillery to see the cask wink

Edited by Lefty on Friday 19th August 06:38


Original Poster:

16,296 posts

205 months

Friday 19th August 2011
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OK, is everyone still interested if there are ten takers? That makes it between 5 or 6 bottles each for £70 (assuming we go for a peated sherry, which would be my preference.)


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16,296 posts

205 months

Friday 19th August 2011
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Hey, 2 casks is fine with me if we have enough people.

I suggest we leave it a few more days to see if anyone else wants in (and gets permission from their OH, eh Mr D?)



Original Poster:

16,296 posts

205 months

Sunday 21st August 2011
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PH name Cask 1 (peated sherry) Cask 2?
Lefty 1
Coneyhurst Blue 1
Mr E? 1
Autofocus 1
TFatC 1
FunkyGibbon 1
Flying Machine 1
duff-man 1
krallicious 1
hidetheelephants 1
85Carrera 1
[b]Total[b/] 12

Being totally selfish I would prefer bourbon (peated or unpeated) for cask 2 but if people want unpeated sherry I'd be quite happy (but wouldn't take a share since I've already got one. cloud9)

I think 12 is probably a bit too much for one cask so can those who would prefer something other than peated sherry change the table above and paste it in a new post. Oh and for those who want a share of each can you edit the table and repost?



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16,296 posts

205 months

Sunday 21st August 2011
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krallicious said:
I'm easy with regard to the choices of the second cask. Peated sherry sounds good. As for the second, something with a coastal twang to it if that is possible?
That'll be peated bourbon then! It probably won't be coastal in the way you'd expect from an Islay dram or, say, Old Pulteney. It's not salty but sweet and smoky.

Plenty of distilleries will sell a full size cask but it takes a bit more cash obviously. A hogshead from Bruichladdich is about £3k to purchase IIRC.


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16,296 posts

205 months

Sunday 21st August 2011
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S6PNJ said:
Lefty said:
peated or unpeated bourbon
Lefty, can you educate me please - what other (well known) whisky's would be similar in style to the peated and unpeated bourbon? If you can give (best estimate and opinion) some example whisky's I'd be grateful and it might help others in their choice.
Bourbon casks are used to mature the majority of whisky in Scotland. Remember that what we're talking about is effectively single-cask whisky rather than single-malt whisky. Single casks are exactly that, a cask that is bottled for it's own merits. Every cask is different. Single malts are made by the master blender from lots of casks to match a particular flavour profile that the distillery wants. So, direct comparisons between single-casks to single-malts aren't that easy.

Anyway, examples of single-malt unpeated bourbon would be ancnoc, dalwhinnie, auchentoshan, knockando etc. From the bourbon cask you can expect honey, sweet light fruit and vanilla, some light spice (sherry gives dark fruit like plums, prunes and sultanas, demerara and mulled-wine type flavours).

Peated bourbons that aren't from Islay are even harder. There aren't many peated malts from the highlands that don't have sherry influence - talisker, highland park etc will all have some sherry casks in them. Not mant stills in Speyside use peat regularly. I've had a few single-cask Ardmores that are peated bourbon casks but the single malts usually have some sherry influence. Benriach have done some peated malts recently but how many of them are exclusively bourbon matured I couldn't say.

The thing about the Glenglassaugh spirit is that it's all very tropical-fruity due, presumably, to the shape of the stills. I can't think of any other single-malts that have this characteristic as a trademark...

So, that's not really a helpful post. I could recommend any number of single-casks to try but not many malts. Sorry confused

You try some Glenglassaugh miniatures to get an idea? The youngest bottling is 26yo and a miniature is about £20 I think. It's very good though.

As I've already said, they do sell new-make spirits, all bottled at 50% ABV as opposed to the 63.5% spirit that goes into a cask:

Clearach: unpeated
Peated: peated (duh)
Fledgling: unpeated with 6 months in american oak
Blushes: unpeated with a year in red wine casks


Original Poster:

16,296 posts

205 months

Sunday 21st August 2011
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Coneyhurst Blue said:
Lefty said:
I think 12 is probably a bit too much for one cask so can those who would prefer something other than peated sherry change the table above and paste it in a new post. Oh and for those who want a share of each can you edit the table and repost?

What kind of numbers do you think we should be aiming for per cask ? 7 people - £100 each - 8 bottles at the end sounds good.
What say you all ?
As for choice of second cask I really am happy with whatever the consensus is.
I'll have a share in each please !
I think 10 as a maximum per octave is a good number. Less than 7 gives a lot of bottles per person...


Original Poster:

16,296 posts

205 months

Sunday 21st August 2011
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Thanks for doing that.

We're gonna need a couple to pull out of the peated sherry option and switch to peated bourbon though, otherwise the last two get chopped. Sorry frown


Original Poster:

16,296 posts

205 months

Monday 22nd August 2011
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3 casks?!

I take it somebopdy doesn't fancy peated bourbon? I'd be happy to take unpeated bourbon instead to keep it down to two casks (which would make managing it all a bit easier...)

I just got a message from the distillery to say they are taking orders for the next batch of sherry octaves now. It would be good to get the order in this week for the sherry cask.

Is anyone willing to pull out of the peated sherry cask to keep numbers down to ten? Otherwise I'll just cut the last two names. I'll give it till tomorrow morning.


p.s. half shares are OK as long as you sort it out between yourselves, it might just get too complicated otherwise. Sure you understand...I'm not doing this as part of my business or anything, just in my spare time. Cheers!


Original Poster:

16,296 posts

205 months

Tuesday 23rd August 2011
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PH name Cask 1 (peated sherry) Cask 2 (peated bourbon) Cask 3 (unpeated bourbon)
Lefty 1 1 1
Coneyhurst Blue 1 1 1
Mr E? 1 - -
Autofocus 1 - -
TFatC 1 1 -
S6PNJ 1 1 -
FunkyGibbon 1 1 -
Flying Machine 1 - -
duff-man 1 - -
krallicious/ClassicMercs 1 1 -
hidetheelephants - 1 -
85Carrera - 1 -
Arguti - 1 -
Total 10 9 2

Right, cask no. 1 is sorted.

Can everyone listed above for cask 1 please email me at leftytwodrams@yahoo.com with:

1. Real name
2. Address
3. Phone number(s)

I will reply with my bank details if you can send me £70 within the next couple of days I'll order the cask.

I'll have a think about an "agreement" and will post a draft of it up here either later today or tomorrow.


Edited by Lefty on Tuesday 23 August 13:54

Edited by Lefty on Tuesday 23 August 14:47