Do mushrooms go off?



Original Poster:

4,788 posts

221 months

Monday 4th October 2010
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I have a pack of chestnut mushrooms in the fridge which are about a week past their sell by date... will they still be ok to cook & eat? or should I bin them because they will poison me?

Pete Franklin

849 posts

191 months

Monday 4th October 2010
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eat them they will be fine, maybe a little bit slimy but they wont harm you


9,699 posts

284 months

Monday 4th October 2010
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Smell them


905 posts

182 months

Monday 4th October 2010
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They will be fine as long as they aren't too wet. Mushrooms go kind of slimy and wet when past their best but I,d imagine they should be ok if just a week out of date.

Mobile Chicane

21,396 posts

222 months

Monday 4th October 2010
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If they smell 'fishy' then I'd sling them.

If they're just a bit dried out, slice them thinly and dry them fully on a kitchen towel over a radiator. Drying concentrates the flavours of even shop-bought mushrooms.

Use the dried 'shrooms as 'taste adders' to soups and stews.


8,620 posts

200 months

Monday 4th October 2010
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Slimy or smelly = bin. Otherwise tuck in.


Original Poster:

4,788 posts

221 months

Monday 4th October 2010
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Thanks for all the replies. The mushrooms seemed ok, so I had them. But if I find myself in A&E in the early hours, when I get out I'll come looking for you all...! wink


6,292 posts

232 months

Monday 4th October 2010
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calibrax said:
Thanks for all the replies. The mushrooms seemed ok, so I had them. But if I find myself in A&E in the early hours, when I get out I'll come looking for you all...! wink
If they really were mushrooms I doubt if you'll be troubling A&E.

If not .......


Original Poster:

4,788 posts

221 months

Monday 4th October 2010
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Dogwatch said:
If they really were mushrooms I doubt if you'll be troubling A&E.
True. But I could still end up like this...


15,315 posts

201 months

Tuesday 5th October 2010
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Mobile Chicane said:
If they smell 'fishy' then I'd sling them.

If they're just a bit dried out, slice them thinly and dry them fully on a kitchen towel over a radiator. Drying concentrates the flavours of even shop-bought mushrooms.

Use the dried 'shrooms as 'taste adders' to soups and stews.
Interesting MC. So any SP'ermarket-bought 'shroom will benefit flavourly from drying and a flash-fry(?) for added flavour?

Mobile Chicane

21,396 posts

222 months

Tuesday 5th October 2010
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Digger said:
Mobile Chicane said:
If they smell 'fishy' then I'd sling them.

If they're just a bit dried out, slice them thinly and dry them fully on a kitchen towel over a radiator. Drying concentrates the flavours of even shop-bought mushrooms.

Use the dried 'shrooms as 'taste adders' to soups and stews.
Interesting MC. So any SP'ermarket-bought 'shroom will benefit flavourly from drying and a flash-fry(?) for added flavour?
I dry 'shrooms in order not to waste the one or two leftovers here and there (and any wild 'findings' that are a bit rain-soaked and otherwise not so good to eat).

I wouldn't go out of my way to dry supermarket 'shrooms otherwise. Use fresh 'as is'.

All well?


2 posts

91 months

Wednesday 19th July 2017
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Like every other food mushrooms also go off. Now the time each food item takes to get spoiled varies. In the case of mushrooms, this can last between 5 to 10 days. Mushrooms that have gone bad can have serious repercussions if eaten. So it makes quite necessary to spot this: these mushrooms look wrinkled, have dark patches over them or have an odor that won't let you get near it. Just check for these signs and you are safe.

glasgow mega snake

1,853 posts

94 months

Wednesday 19th July 2017
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Thanks Michael but I am afraid it's too late. Calibrax sadly passed away in late October 2010 as a result of his fungal gamble. Mobile chicane's unanswered post is haunting. We remember him fondly.


832 posts

181 months

Wednesday 19th July 2017
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glasgow mega snake said:
Thanks Michael but I am afraid it's too late. Calibrax sadly passed away in late October 2010 as a result of his fungal gamble. We remember him fondly.
Very fondly, he was certainly a fun guy.


3,771 posts

231 months

Wednesday 19th July 2017
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This has to go down as the best thread resurrection ever.

7 year old thread resurrected by MichaelFern, Mushroom man - scouring the internet for any mushroom related questions, coming to the aid of the already-deceased and joining car forums to dish out his shiitake wisdom.


13,644 posts

231 months

Wednesday 19th July 2017
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7 years for a response.... is this some kind of record??


52,964 posts

165 months

Wednesday 19th July 2017
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GT03ROB said:
7 years for a response.... is this some kind of record??
No, this is some kind of record.


2 posts

91 months

Thursday 20th July 2017
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R.I.P. Calibrax. Was only trying to put out some useful info.


24,499 posts

196 months

Thursday 20th July 2017
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Do threads go off?


3,771 posts

231 months

Thursday 20th July 2017
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Johnnytheboy said:
Do threads go off?
I'll let you know in 2024.