Slow Cooker Recipes



Original Poster:

32,039 posts

231 months

Sunday 2nd December 2007
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As the title says, post em here smile


14,055 posts

289 months

Sunday 2nd December 2007
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Just a quick question... can any slow cooking recipe (for example the stews in the meat river cottage book) be cooked in a slow cooker instead of on the hob simply by putting it in the slow cooker for 8 hours?


Original Poster:

32,039 posts

231 months

Sunday 2nd December 2007
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I would guess so smile


Original Poster:

32,039 posts

231 months

Sunday 2nd December 2007
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Leek & Potato Soup

4 leeks - cut into 1/4 lenght ways & finely chopped
3 large potatoes - cut into 1cm chunks
2 pints Veg/chicken stock
salt & pepper to taste

Put in pot

leave overnight/over day

Strain (KEEP Liquid!)


Pour liquid back in


Add some grated Stilton to serve yum


Original Poster:

32,039 posts

231 months

Sunday 2nd December 2007
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Thai Masaman Curry

1 tin coconut milk
1 'thing' coconut cream
1 - 1/2 jar of Reuben Solomon's Thai Masaman Curry Paste (depends how spicy)
Lamb - cubed - any stewing lamb is good for this
1 large Potato - cubed same size as lamb
1 onion - chopped (large)
honey - to taste (takes the heat out)

Mix coconut milk, cream & paste in pot
Add lamb
Add potato
Add onion

Leave for 8 hours ish

Taste & add honey to 'cool'


14,055 posts

289 months

Sunday 2nd December 2007
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ali_kat said:
I would guess so smile
Sorry, it wasn't a sarcastic comment hehe... I've only just started eating meat a few months ago and only got my first slow cooker a month ago so am genuinely clueless wink


Original Poster:

32,039 posts

231 months

Sunday 2nd December 2007
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dern said:
ali_kat said:
I would guess so smile
Sorry, it wasn't a sarcastic comment hehe... I've only just started eating meat a few months ago and only got my first slow cooker a month ago so am genuinely clueless wink
Sorry, neither was mine smile I'm still at the learning stage too, hence my 'guess'

Root veg take longer than meat, so cut them smaller.

Green veg are quicker, so add them for the last 1/2 hour

Dried beans/Chickpeas need to be soacked overnight first.

Fresh beans need to be boiled first (or posionous as they don't get hot enough) tined can go straight in.

Add Fish for the last hour or so or it becomes dry.

They are perfect for curries yum