Is there an English version of Parma ham?

Is there an English version of Parma ham?


Kermit power

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223 months

Thursday 29th November 2007
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Parma ham is probably the best known, but there are other similar hams in many varieties in Italy, as well as Spain, France, Germany and others, but I've never come across a homegrown equivalent.

Does anyone know if such a thing exists? If not, any idea why not? Given that even crappy supermarkets now tend to sell at least 4-5 varieties, coupled with increasing trends towards buying local produce, I'm surprised nobody has given it a go?


1,296 posts

222 months

Bit of a Unit

7,072 posts

207 months

Thursday 29th November 2007
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I have used these guys a few times, there is another place in cumbria that has a receipe so old that they reckon the roman stole it!!

Kermit power

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29,530 posts

223 months

Thursday 29th November 2007
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Thanks for those guys. I may have to give them a try!

On the other hand, I've been musing over this, and am now contemplating trying to make my own! I wonder how hard it can possibly be??


7,117 posts

259 months

Friday 30th November 2007
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Not hard at all. The main problem is keeping it in a well ventilated area. And finding a butcher who will bone out a leg of pork for you (bone-on is not as easy to keep the bugs off, you really need to inject it with brine down the bone, which is tricky without brining needles).

Hugh F-W book's describe the process pretty well. I currently have a 2 year old one hanging up outside.

Kermit power

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29,530 posts

223 months

Friday 30th November 2007
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Thanks Noger!

I shall refer back to the bible, and hope to have something ready for next Christmas. biggrin

Griff Bitch

2,187 posts

219 months

Friday 30th November 2007
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Noger said:
And finding a butcher who will bone out a leg of pork for you
Bill the Butcher, Stoneleigh broadway, are very accomodating if you don't use them already.

Kermit power

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29,530 posts

223 months

Friday 30th November 2007
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Griff Bitch said:
Noger said:
And finding a butcher who will bone out a leg of pork for you
Bill the Butcher, Stoneleigh broadway, are very accomodating if you don't use them already.
Ooh, thanks. I usually either go to the chaps opposite Epsom cinema, who have nice, accountable meat, or to Kenneth Eve in Ewell village who both look and are more expensive, but also have very nice meat.

For some reason, we seem to be blessed with decent butchers, but can I find a decent fishmonger anywhere? No. The nearest I know of is in West Byfleet! grumpy


7,117 posts

259 months

Friday 30th November 2007
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Griff Bitch said:
Noger said:
And finding a butcher who will bone out a leg of pork for you
Bill the Butcher, Stoneleigh broadway, are very accomodating if you don't use them already.
I use Chitty's in Brockham, they are very good too. I always think the sign of a good butcher is if they are really enthusastic about doing out of the ordinary stuff. Wanting to show off their skills, not just weigh out another 500g of mince.

The first time I went in for some port belly for bacon, they brought out a whole side of piggy, with tail ! I was a bit hungover, so not the best smile