Christmas turkey - which is the best?

Christmas turkey - which is the best?



Original Poster:

718 posts

223 months

Tuesday 20th November 2007
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Last year was the first time we hosted Christmas at home and we went down the '3 bird roast' route which was fine, but I want a proper turkey for this year.

It looks like a Bronze turkey is the route to go, and the Kelly Bronze seems a good choice, however can somebody point me in the direction of what they consider to be 'the best' turkey out there and where to get it from?


1,841 posts

251 months

Tuesday 20th November 2007
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Ask for a goose instead.

Once you taste it you'll never let a Turkey ruin your Christmas again.


26,404 posts

268 months

Tuesday 20th November 2007
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Greenie said:
Ask for a goose instead.

Once you taste it you'll never let a Turkey ruin your Christmas again.
Absolutely agree yum Turkey is great but available all year. Goose is very difficult to get so make the most of it for Christmas.


7,117 posts

259 months

Wednesday 21st November 2007
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Copas are very good.

Whilst I like a goose, turkey means much more meat for what is for me the main meal of Christmas. Boxing Day Turkey and Collops smile