sticky for restaurant guide?



Original Poster:

2,118 posts

235 months

Monday 19th November 2007
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THought it was a good post and should stay at the top?


2,084 posts

223 months

Wednesday 21st November 2007
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Agreed, I keep coming to look expecting it to be on the first page. Maybe we'd get more contributions if it was sticky.

Saying that, I'm not sure I'd like contributions willy nilly.

Rude Girl

6,937 posts

269 months

Wednesday 21st November 2007
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There's already a wiki on the PH good food guide - it's been running for a couple of years as a thread before it was turned in to a wiki.


2,084 posts

223 months

Wednesday 21st November 2007
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Rude Girl said:
There's already a wiki on the PH good food guide - it's been running for a couple of years as a thread before it was turned in to a wiki.
That's correct, yes. But it's still falling off the first page.

shoutSTICKY THE WIKI!! biggrin


12,063 posts

214 months

Wednesday 21st November 2007
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LaSarthe+Back said:
Rude Girl said:
There's already a wiki on the PH good food guide - it's been running for a couple of years as a thread before it was turned in to a wiki.
That's correct, yes. But it's still falling off the first page.

shoutSTICKY THE WIKI!! biggrin