Easy hot curry recipe (Madras)

Easy hot curry recipe (Madras)



Original Poster:

7,294 posts

212 months

Thursday 15th November 2007
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Never really cooked Indian - anyone got any good simple ones to get me started? smile




90 posts

227 months

Thursday 15th November 2007
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Depends on what kind of curry you expect.

Takeaway/ready meal style curries are basically made from lots of boiled onions and tomatoes with additional spices (and often ready prepared branded pastes!), the quantities vary from chef to chef and are thus not simple to recreate at home.
Shop bought pastes are the easiest answer.
One of the recipe books worth trying for this style of meal is 'The Curry Secret' by Pat Dillon (about 4 quid).

There are loads of online recipes for 'home style' curries and many good books.
To start with try one from http://www.natco-online.com/acatalog/Recipes.html these give nice results, the spices are available in any supermarket or far more cheaply in asian grocers.
If you want it hot, just add in fresh green chillis(fried at the start) or chilli powder.


4,664 posts

234 months

Friday 16th November 2007
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The BEST curry paste mixes. Made a Dopiza curry last night with Bombay potoatoes :P

They do the whole range of mild, medium and hot, plus side dishes like bombay potatoes and paneers etc. Plus they do Thai curries etc.

Essy peasy, add water, simmer, then add veg, meat etc, simmer and then serve!

They have a couple of shops too - York and Sudbury - that have even more and can make the pastes/mixes up fresh for you, plus have even more nice things to eat - have had a couple of Christmas hampers from them :P


67,280 posts

280 months

Friday 16th November 2007
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Thats a Madras recipe.

I've tried a number of others on there and they are all very good indeed.

One to keep in the old bookmarks.


3,313 posts

232 months

Friday 16th November 2007
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I've had from www.thespiceoflife.co.uk, not bad and not expensive, basic spices along with other ingredients lists and receipes.


36,010 posts

294 months

Friday 16th November 2007
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I make them from scratch. Something nice about roasting and grinding away from the start. I started off with a Pat Chapman book many moons ago. Now its all "what shall I do tonight?" out of the well stocked cupboard. Pick up on things like skinning tomatoes and bhoona method(sp?), messing with ginger and garlic. Just different methods of cooking. Then there is the hot stuff, which personally isn't for me, but I know that for a reasonable heat that I am happy with its couple of birds eye not broken or the supermarket fat chillies with the seeds removed and chopped up into the mix.

I also have a well aged (six months) chillies, lemon and lime pickle. Originally supplied by Bob The Planner. Slightly modified. Whilst I do not like a hot curry, I love a pickle for picking.

Its all about playing. Try the links and read a good book or two, that is recipes book. Then mess around. Garam masala for example can be anything you want. So you can make it in batches with the flavor you like. OK from a packet to start but as you get used to it, experiment.