


Original Poster:

19,312 posts

226 months

Thursday 15th November 2007
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I mentioned in the Homebrew thread that I have a huge old Rumtopf i'd like to use and having found some recipes on the net, wondered if anyone has any experience of these and suggested fruits for use?

A recipe link Bint supplied suggests dried fruit, but the ones I found were with fresh...

I remember childhood friend's parents having them, and smelling/sampling the Rum back in the late 70s/early 80s - I'm sure they also used it in baking aswell as drinking?

Anyone have any suggestions?

  • Apart from cut down on my alcohol intake!


10,146 posts

242 months

Thursday 15th November 2007
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Gretchen said:
I mentioned in the Homebrew thread that I have a huge old Rumtopf i'd like to use and having found some recipes on the net, wondered if anyone has any experience of these and suggested fruits for use?

A recipe link Bint supplied suggests dried fruit, but the ones I found were with fresh...

I remember childhood friend's parents having them, and smelling/sampling the Rum back in the late 70s/early 80s - I'm sure they also used it in baking aswell as drinking?

Anyone have any suggestions?

  • Apart from cut down on my alcohol intake!
My nan and grandad still do it occasionally.

Think it's as simple as a load of old fruit, tons of sugar and a good splash of rum...

Not sure about the Rumtopf though hehe

Edited by KingRichard on Thursday 15th November 18:43


Original Poster:

19,312 posts

226 months

Thursday 15th November 2007
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KingRichard said:
Gretchen said:
I mentioned in the Homebrew thread that I have a huge old Rumtopf i'd like to use and having found some recipes on the net, wondered if anyone has any experience of these and suggested fruits for use?

A recipe link Bint supplied suggests dried fruit, but the ones I found were with fresh...

I remember childhood friend's parents having them, and smelling/sampling the Rum back in the late 70s/early 80s - I'm sure they also used it in baking aswell as drinking?

Anyone have any suggestions?

  • Apart from cut down on my alcohol intake!
My nan and grandad still do it occasionally.

Think it's as simple as a load of old fruit, tons of sugar and a good splash of rum...

Not sure about the Rumtopf though hehe

Edited by KingRichard on Thursday 15th November 18:43
PMSL - bet your Nan does wink

Ranger 6

7,265 posts

259 months

Friday 16th November 2007
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Gretchen said:
I remember childhood friend's parents having them, and smelling/sampling the Rum back in the late 70s/early 80s - I'm sure they also used it in baking aswell as drinking?
Sounds familiar....

Grew up in Germany (Army brat) in the 70s. We had a Rumtopf for a few years - I seem to remember the principle was to fill the topf with fresh fruit as it came into season, add rum and a bit of sugar, then serve with/in puddings during the winter.



5,079 posts

259 months

Friday 16th November 2007
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add fruit as it comes into season, add between 1/3 and 1/2 the weight of fruit, in sugar, (depending on sweetness of fruit), cover with rum.
Repeat until jar is full (it doesn't have to be a proper rumtoft jar)
Leave as long as you dare (eg 12 months)
strain the fruit (which can be used in pies etc)
bottle up and enjoy!



Original Poster:

19,312 posts

226 months

Friday 16th November 2007
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stackmonkey said:

add fruit as it comes into season, add between 1/3 and 1/2 the weight of fruit, in sugar, (depending on sweetness of fruit), cover with rum.
Repeat until jar is full (it doesn't have to be a proper rumtoft jar)
Leave as long as you dare (eg 12 months)
strain the fruit (which can be used in pies etc)
bottle up and enjoy!

Ah, thanks, so it's a 'layered' effect. Great stuff.

Are there any fruits to avoid? I'm sure I read something, somewhere once about avoiding soft fruits?

I do have an official Rumtopf, think I might make a start next week.


5,079 posts

259 months

Friday 16th November 2007
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Most of the fruits in mine are soft.
Layering was the traditional way, from seasonal fruits. I have for some jars, but not all.
I use a number of smaller kilner type jars for my rumtofts.
Banana seems to go brown and disintegrates (seem to still taste OK), but that's about it.


10,146 posts

242 months

Friday 16th November 2007
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Gretchen said:
stackmonkey said:

add fruit as it comes into season, add between 1/3 and 1/2 the weight of fruit, in sugar, (depending on sweetness of fruit), cover with rum.
Repeat until jar is full (it doesn't have to be a proper rumtoft jar)
Leave as long as you dare (eg 12 months)
strain the fruit (which can be used in pies etc)
bottle up and enjoy!

Ah, thanks, so it's a 'layered' effect. Great stuff.

Are there any fruits to avoid? I'm sure I read something, somewhere once about avoiding soft fruits?

I do have an official Rumtopf, think I might make a start next week.
Ours were always made with strawberries, Rasberries, Blackberries and blackcurrants IIRC. Tasted like sweet, alcoholic ribena... I used to nick it from the cupboard as a kid (and they wondered why I was so mis-behaved!) hehe


Original Poster:

19,312 posts

226 months

Saturday 17th November 2007
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So, what would be the best time of year to start? Given that whenever I begin the first fruit will be in the longest, thus giving the Rum more of its flavour.

I may just start next week, then it will be ready next Christmas...mmm winter fruit pie lick