


Original Poster:

56,215 posts

225 months

Tuesday 13th November 2007
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anyone else here make their own?

heres my fav....Sloe Gin

i made some butterscotch vodka last night...will give it a taste tonight and take a piccy

what do you guys make?

Edited by y2blade on Tuesday 13th November 10:05


5,119 posts

245 months

Tuesday 13th November 2007
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i made some beer from a kit. it was crap. smile but that looks good smile


Original Poster:

56,215 posts

225 months

Tuesday 13th November 2007
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NickFRP said:
i made some beer from a kit. it was crap. smile but that looks good smile
cheers nick i have a batch on the go at the moment...its lovely

the two bottles pictured above were done sunday afternoon and will be ready in time for christmas smile

(i picked the sloes while out on my dirtbike) had fun carrying them home without crushing them hehe


12,920 posts

208 months

Tuesday 13th November 2007
quotequote all
I've done Sloe gin for xmas this year, although having slighlty less self control than you I started to 'sample' it a few weeks back and have managed to drink the lot. It is lovely though.


Original Poster:

56,215 posts

225 months

Tuesday 13th November 2007
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LeTim said:
I've done Sloe gin for xmas this year, although having slighlty less self control than you I started to 'sample' it a few weeks back and have managed to drink the lot. It is lovely though.
did you put enough sugar in it?

lord summerisle

8,153 posts

235 months

Tuesday 13th November 2007
quotequote all
beer...wine, brew it all smile

just emptied/finished some Geordie bitter, so currently empty on the beer front.

got a single grape red on ATM, Merlot i think. just popped the stabliser in last night, should be ready for drinking come christmas time.

Simpo Two

87,814 posts

275 months

Tuesday 13th November 2007
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Another variant is similar to sloe gin, but with brandy. You basically just chuck fruit into it, leave, then drain and consume...


148 posts

232 months

Tuesday 13th November 2007
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I have two demijohns of wine in second fermentation at the moment, one's gooseberry and the other is damson. Too early to be able to sample last year's batches of runner bean and marrow biggrin
About to start a batch of hop beer, now the heating's on it's warm enough for it to ferment! Might be ready for Christmas....


12,920 posts

208 months

Tuesday 13th November 2007
quotequote all
y2blade said:
LeTim said:
I've done Sloe gin for xmas this year, although having slighlty less self control than you I started to 'sample' it a few weeks back and have managed to drink the lot. It is lovely though.
did you put enough sugar in it?
I don't know, I put the amount the recipie said, then after a few weeks I cracked and tried some, it was lovely, so I tried a bit more, etc etc.


1,193 posts

217 months

Tuesday 13th November 2007
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Yup I know, how sad, we even made labels for it.

Tequila lager brewed for the rugby world cup.


5,027 posts

212 months

Tuesday 13th November 2007
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Skittles Vodka
1 bottle of vokad
2 packets of skittles
remove all the Green ones as it will go brown. Pour your skittles into the vodka, leave to disolve for 3 days. Filter vodka through a sieve to remove dissolved skittles. Place in freezer for a day of two, then get ready to taste the rainbow !!!


1,854 posts

209 months

Tuesday 13th November 2007
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interesting concoction!

where do you guys get your bottles / tops from?

Been looking around but can only find www.jbconline.co.uk. Called them but they have a new site up and coming. Nice people by the sounds of it, different to local homebrew shops who are a bit stuffy for me.


4,664 posts

234 months

Tuesday 13th November 2007
quotequote all
ph1l5 said:
Skittles Vodka
1 bottle of vokad
2 packets of skittles
remove all the Green ones as it will go brown. Pour your skittles into the vodka, leave to disolve for 3 days. Filter vodka through a sieve to remove dissolved skittles. Place in freezer for a day of two, then get ready to taste the rainbow !!!
Refreshers Vodka is better :P Got some on order from a friend that makes these wonderful sweetie based drinks - his mint aero one went down well at the Halloween party this year :P

There's a thread about sloe gin in the Food Forum - I've made sloe gin and sloe white (well it was white before the sloes went in) rum this year :P


Original Poster:

56,215 posts

225 months

Tuesday 13th November 2007
quotequote all
bint said:
ph1l5 said:
Skittles Vodka
1 bottle of vokad
2 packets of skittles
remove all the Green ones as it will go brown. Pour your skittles into the vodka, leave to disolve for 3 days. Filter vodka through a sieve to remove dissolved skittles. Place in freezer for a day of two, then get ready to taste the rainbow !!!
Refreshers Vodka is better :P Got some on order from a friend that makes these wonderful sweetie based drinks - his mint aero one went down well at the Halloween party this year :P

There's a thread about sloe gin in the Food Forum - I've made sloe gin and sloe white (well it was white before the sloes went in) rum this year :P
im going to try all those smile


The Black Flash

13,735 posts

208 months

Tuesday 13th November 2007
quotequote all
Yeah, we do all kinds of country wines. Fave is probably elderflower and strawberry blend, and mead.

  • quick count* about 15 gallons in various stages at the mo. Oh yeah.


34 posts

207 months

Tuesday 13th November 2007
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NickFRP said:
iit was crap.
so alls you need is one cup and tow girls !


3,521 posts

212 months

Tuesday 13th November 2007
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had some clients who made apple wine last autumn......damn lethal it was as well.

We've got some Blackberry Brandy on the brew at the moment

Simpo Two

87,814 posts

275 months

Tuesday 13th November 2007
quotequote all
ph1l5 said:
Skittles Vodka
1 bottle of vokad
2 packets of skittles
'Vokad'? You've been sampling it again haven't you?!


Original Poster:

56,215 posts

225 months

Tuesday 13th November 2007
quotequote all
Simpo Two said:
ph1l5 said:
Skittles Vodka
1 bottle of vokad
2 packets of skittles
'Vokad'? You've been sampling it again haven't you?!


Original Poster:

56,215 posts

225 months

Tuesday 13th November 2007
quotequote all
heres how my sloe gin and butterscotch Vodka are doing,taken just now

the vodka is ready to go cool jusst tested it and its bloody lovely

Edited by y2blade on Tuesday 13th November 19:22