Cyst in pig's kidneys



Original Poster:

8,837 posts

258 months

Thursday 8th November 2007
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Kidneys on toast is one of my favorite breakfasts smile and I usually manage about 3-4 a month.

Bought some Supermarket pork kidneys yesterday and prepped them earlier for tomorrows breakfast. When I sliced into one of them, there was a suprising splurt of fluid from one of them and a rounded hollow type shape ( similar to a ping-pong ball) that indicated a cyst.
I've eaten loads of kidneys over the years and not come across this situation before. How does it happen? Is it safe to eat? ( I've discarded that kidney, but feel it's ok to have the other in the packet for tomorrow's breakfast)...will of course, check on here for updates though smile


38 posts

224 months

Thursday 8th November 2007
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These are "Hyatids cysts" which altho` unsightly are perfectly harmless, they can also occur in pork & gammon joints, remove with a small knife, discard & cook the joint as normal


Original Poster:

8,837 posts

258 months

Friday 9th November 2007
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Thanks for the info smile
Wish I hadn't thrown the other one away now!


9,335 posts

217 months

Monday 12th November 2007
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Well I wouldn't be eating any of that animal, hydatids cysts are able to be "transmitted" to humans, well the parasite that causes them anyway. Cooking the meat thoroughly will stop that but I still wouldn't be able to eat it.


Original Poster:

8,837 posts

258 months

Friday 16th November 2007
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Thanks for the update, if I get another one like that I'll still throw it away smile I didn't eat the 'cyst' kidney...I'd already thrown it - I did eat the other kidney that was left over from the pack.
I prefer them slightly undercooked as they're tender and juicier, but certainly not bleeding, as was always told that was a no no.
Had them for breakfast this morning smile