

Grand Fromage

Original Poster:

1,518 posts

216 months

Wednesday 31st October 2007
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I have been given a bottle of this by a friend, normlly I drink Krug DP etc so don't really no much about it to be honest.
Can anyone tell me when to drink it and what would set it off really well?


8,431 posts

222 months

Wednesday 31st October 2007
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if you can afford to open a bottle of krug on regular weekdays, good on you.

if you fancy a glass of nice sparkling wine for no other reason than work was niether good nor bad, Prosecco is excellent.

As is Cremant D'Alsace, etc.

What would go well with it depends on the prosecco (how sweet, how dry etc?)

Personally i quite like fizz with salty dry ham, and some pecorino.

If the prosecco is horrible, just add some Cassis or Frangelico liquer (sp?) for a Kir.


7,117 posts

258 months

Wednesday 31st October 2007
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Or some peach nectar for a Bellini would be more appropriate ?

Can't imagine it will be horrid though. Did the Prosseco trail a few years ago, and drank some lovely wines. Particularly those from the Cartizze area.

Does depend on the sweetness, or if sparkling or semi-sparking. But on its own will be good.

Much underrated.

Grand Fromage

Original Poster:

1,518 posts

216 months

Wednesday 31st October 2007
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Cheers, it says extra dry and fizzy so I will maybe try it with some crab or something simillar.

Thanks for your replies