Tomato soup



Original Poster:

5,160 posts

268 months

Friday 26th October 2007
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Yesterday noticed that we had some toms in the fridge and a red pepper that were a bit past their best (just a bit too ripe for sarnies and salads, not moldy or or anything).

So chopped up onion and softened in pan with olive oil.

Chopped up toms, pepper, 1 medium potato and a red chilli.

Bunged those in pan with onion and added chopped garlic, oregano, basil and a good dose of black pepper.

Softened a little on heat.

Then covered with water.

Let boil for 20 mins

Blended in pan with hand blender

Simmered for another 20 mins.

Re-did blender bit and switched off heat.

Just re-heated some for lunch and even if I say it myself was probably one of the best Tomato soups I've ever had. lick


545 posts

239 months

Friday 26th October 2007
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Did you de-seed the tomatoes, if you didn't, you should because otherwise the soup will be bitter.

Seive the seeds out, before cooking.

The taste will be a lot better.


Original Poster:

5,160 posts

268 months

Friday 26th October 2007
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Bunglist said:
Did you de-seed the tomatoes, if you didn't, you should because otherwise the soup will be bitter.

Seive the seeds out, before cooking.

The taste will be a lot better.
I didn't, no. However no bitterness at all.