quick Dishes - 20 min or under

quick Dishes - 20 min or under



Original Poster:

26,231 posts

210 months

Thursday 25th October 2007
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Just made a quick simple dish
Rice with Chicken in sour cream,with mushroom & onion and some white wine

It was very simple and easy to cook and would love to know if any of you have similar types of dishes or anything that is nice and takes under 20 minutes to cook..

Please send ingredients and cooking instructions ...



111 posts

219 months

Thursday 25th October 2007
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Boil penne pasta
Saute thinly sliced red onion and crushed garlic
Add tub double cream
Bring to simmer
Add cubed fresh salmon & simmer couple of minutes
Add pasta to the sauce and garnish with either parsley or coriander
Enjoy lick


Original Poster:

26,231 posts

210 months

Thursday 25th October 2007
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Keep them coming..

If anyone else cooks what people say why not rate them and say how other people re-acted to the new dish...

Ps also name the dish if you have one for it


231 posts

208 months

Saturday 27th October 2007
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My current favourite:
Throw some tagliatelle in a pan and while it's boiling, slice cherry tomatoes in half/quarters.
Microwave the tomatoes for a minute to warm/soften a bit, chuck a handful of rocket in for the last 10 seconds or so to wilt it slightly.
Drain taglietelle, stir in tomatoes, rocket, and a dollop of pesto.
It takes about 10 minutes and is bloody lovely.


8,431 posts

222 months

Sunday 28th October 2007
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ok its not 20 minutes but what i cooked tonight is so easy that the cooking time is nearly irrelevant.

you need: big bowl, baking tray, ingredients, oven.


chicken wings. (500g, or 5 per person). they are ridiculously cheap from a butchers.
juice of 2 lemons
4 garlic cloves (chopped)
4 chillis (chopped)
4 tbsp honey
2 tsp tamarind paste
fresh herbs (lots, chopped...or dried herbs if your lazy)
olive or vegetable oil

mix up all the ingredients in a bowl until chicken is well coated. then put in the baking tray.

bake for 40 minutes @ 200c.



Original Poster:

26,231 posts

210 months

Sunday 28th October 2007
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I thought we would have more

Maybe everyone is in their garages to much whilst a certain other person does the cooking??


4,778 posts

276 months

Sunday 28th October 2007
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I'm always partial to a savoury crumble...

Ideal to use up leftover roast chicken & the veggies.

Dice the chicken, and the veg.

Place in an ovenproff casserole dish. Open a can of suitable flavour Campbell's condensed soup (Chicken / Mushroom / etc) & pour over the meat & veg...

Crumble topping is a few slices of bread in the food processor with some cheese (parmesan & cheddar mixed is good)

Chuck the crumble topping onto the mix in the dish.

Bang in a hot oven until the topping is browned.


V. Tasty. (Once you have the hang of that not vey complex receipe, then you can use all sorts of meat or fish combos)

