victoria sponge cake



Original Poster:

612 posts

209 months

Tuesday 23rd October 2007
quotequote all
hello, i need some help, need to make a victoria sponge cake and need suggestions

its to *cough* impress someone : )

i have the recipe for the cake and all that, i would just like a few additional suggestions, like where to get good quality jams from, farmers markets, little finishing touches etc...

any help please!


Edited by 11110111 on Tuesday 23 October 20:42


39,840 posts

278 months

Tuesday 23rd October 2007
quotequote all
Can you not use your original PH profile?

We do have a clearly defined statement against having multiple profiles. So that said, which one would you like me to remove?

As a reminder:

PH Ts and Cs said:
Users may only maintain one active registration. In other words, it's one registration per person. By accepting this agreement, you certify that you have no other registration with
Please advise.



Original Poster:

612 posts

209 months

Wednesday 24th October 2007
quotequote all
the other one pls!

p.s. do you have any suggestions?

Edited by 11110111 on Wednesday 24th October 00:33


545 posts

239 months

Wednesday 24th October 2007
quotequote all
Make sure you sift the flour into the bowl, and dont beat the shite out of it when mixing, be gentle and the sponge will be absolutly light and perfect.