Old bottle of Lambs Navy Rum - worth anything?

Old bottle of Lambs Navy Rum - worth anything?



Original Poster:

541 posts

232 months

Thursday 18th October 2007
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Dads had this old bottle of run for years, says it came from his Grandfathers house, IIRC its dated late 1890's, and the paper seal is just intact across the cork.

One to keep?,. or one to try biggrin


5,857 posts

232 months

Thursday 18th October 2007
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if you send it to me i'll let you know hehe


2,068 posts

212 months

Thursday 18th October 2007
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Er not much.

Rum, whiskey etc doesn't age in the bottle like wine, so its going to taste exactly the same as when it was bottled.

To the right person it might be worth something in terms of collectability but in terms of a drinking experience its not.


Original Poster:

541 posts

232 months

Friday 19th October 2007
quotequote all
Cheers guys,. Might persuade Dad to open it up at Christmas then!