


Original Poster:

1,246 posts

250 months

Wednesday 17th October 2007
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...at the Prince Albert.

Oliver Rowe's restaurant; has anyone eaten there - would you recommend it?


Original Poster:

1,246 posts

250 months

Tuesday 30th October 2007
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Just me then? Noone asked for a review, but...

If you can see past the "sourced within the M25" gimmick, and accept that they use locally sourced, seasonal ingredients then well worth a visit.

Dinner for 2, with a decent (English) wine, £80ish.

Lamb's heart and duck gizzard salad was especially good! All dishes were simple, but well prepared, limited menu of 4 or 5 starters and 6 or 7 mains.

Bread and butter pudding outshone my quince and almond tart, just!

Kitchen is exposed to the dining area, which adds to the informal and intimate atmosphere.



7,117 posts

258 months

Wednesday 31st October 2007
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Ah, the Urban Chef chap. Funny, I liked the program but never linked it to this restaurant.

SOunds very good. Must give it a go.