Jamie Oliver Marinade


Griff Bitch

Original Poster:

2,187 posts

218 months

Tuesday 16th October 2007
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Jamie did a BBQ episode of Jamie at home, he made a marinade for a leg of lamb, the only ingredient I can remember is Tomato Ketchup. He held it up and picked strips off when it was cooked, it looked delicious.

Does anyone have the receipe?



5,857 posts

232 months

Tuesday 16th October 2007
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Griff Bitch said:
Jamie did a BBQ episode of Jamie at home, he made a marinade for a leg of lamb, the only ingredient I can remember is Tomato Ketchup. He held it up and picked strips off when it was cooked, it looked delicious.

Does anyone have the receipe?

no dammit, but now *i'm* hungry smile


493 posts

247 months

Tuesday 16th October 2007
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ive got it, but im too lazy to type it out and it made no change to the food, the bbq burnt off the marinade, waste of time

Griff Bitch

Original Poster:

2,187 posts

218 months

Tuesday 16th October 2007
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I want to put chicken breasts in the marinade and cook in the oven.

Mrs BlueCerbera

2,208 posts

249 months

Tuesday 16th October 2007
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I remember the one, sounded delicious. I may still have it recorded, if I do I'll let you know what he used.

Griff Bitch

Original Poster:

2,187 posts

218 months

Tuesday 16th October 2007
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Mrs BlueCerbera said:
I remember the one, sounded delicious. I may still have it recorded, if I do I'll let you know what he used.


24,309 posts

230 months

Wednesday 17th October 2007
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Have you checked his website ? Theres loads of recips on there dont know if that is ?


7,117 posts

258 months

Wednesday 17th October 2007
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4 to 5 cloves
1 tsp cumin
2 tbs fennel seeds
1 tsp black pepper
2/3 tsp salt
Handful of fresh rosemary leaves
10 fresh bay leaves
Bunch thyme, leaves removed
1 whole bulb of garlic, peeled
Zest of 1 orange
4 tsp smoked paprika
Half a bottle of balsamic vinegar
Juice of an Orange
Bottle of Tommy K
olive oil

Bash cloves,cumin,fennel seeds,black pepper and salt in a p&m.

Chop up herbs, garlic, orange rind. Mix in the wet stuff.

Worked pretty well with a whole chicken, spit roast on the BBQ, but does need quite a long time to soak in. As Heston showed last night, yogurt helps penetration.

Griff Bitch

Original Poster:

2,187 posts

218 months

Wednesday 17th October 2007
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Thanks Noger,

That's tomorrows dinner sorted. smile