Moet Grand Vintage 2000, drink it or keep it

Moet Grand Vintage 2000, drink it or keep it



Original Poster:

12,415 posts

253 months

Tuesday 9th October 2007
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we've been given a bottle as a wedding present today.
Question is as the title, should we drink it now, or is it worth keeping hold of?


2,923 posts

290 months

Tuesday 9th October 2007
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It'll keep for a few years if stored cool.

Don't save for any increase in value - just save it for next years ani perhaps?


Original Poster:

12,415 posts

253 months

Tuesday 9th October 2007
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Bebs said:
It'll keep for a few years if stored cool.

Don't save for any increase in value - just save it for next years ani perhaps?
Cheers for that, next years ani sounds like a good time to open it biggrin


1,304 posts

220 months

Friday 12th October 2007
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We were given a bottle of Dom Perignon as a wedding present, and were told 'don't wait for an occasion to drink it, you make an occasion by opening it'
Good luck, and congratulations. smile


2,566 posts

268 months

Wednesday 17th October 2007
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Matt172 said:
we've been given a bottle as a wedding present today.
Question is as the title, should we drink it now, or is it worth keeping hold of?
Ditto - we took ours on Honeymoon with us and drunk it straight away, it's lovely stuff!

Congrats by the way!



Original Poster:

12,415 posts

253 months

Wednesday 17th October 2007
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chris_w said:
Matt172 said:
we've been given a bottle as a wedding present today.
Question is as the title, should we drink it now, or is it worth keeping hold of?
Ditto - we took ours on Honeymoon with us and drunk it straight away, it's lovely stuff!

Congrats by the way!

thanks smile we go on honeymoon on Valentines day next year, and 2 days before Di's birthday, might have o pack it for the trip wink