


Original Poster:

7,107 posts

233 months

Saturday 6th October 2007
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Look at my new toy, can't believe how exited I am.

7 normal gas burners with a large wok burner, a grill, 2 ovens and a warming tray bounce


89 posts

219 months

Sunday 7th October 2007
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Very impressive thumbup

My mum is going to have something similar in the flat she is moving into in a couple of weeks' time - think she is just as excited as you are about it!


10,134 posts

230 months

Monday 8th October 2007
quotequote all
I'm so ubelievably jealous. Its beautiful!!


637 posts

240 months

Monday 8th October 2007
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I bought one this time last year. 8 burners, a fan oven, a regular oven and a grill - Christmas was so easy. It's lovely. I also bought a cast iron griddle - it's flat on one side and ridged on the other, and sits over two burners - lovely for doing steaks etc.


13,578 posts

252 months

Monday 8th October 2007
quotequote all
littlegreenfairy said:
I'm so ubelievably jealous. Its beautiful!!
So am I.



436 posts

249 months

Monday 8th October 2007
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can you cook? ha!

looks very nice - my new kitchen looks very similar - Same tastes?
