Good eating in Bath and the surrounding area?

Good eating in Bath and the surrounding area?



Original Poster:

956 posts

255 months

Saturday 29th September 2007
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Looking at taking my friend out for dinner on sunday night,but I'm a bit bored of all the places in Bath, and somehow there's only one place listed in the good eating Wiki... so does anyone have any suggestions?

I don't mind what style of food it is, and Im not too fussed about the price. Dont mind having to drive out either, as she's quite into cars and she hasn't been out in the Asbo yet!

Any suggestions would be appreciated!


2,152 posts

218 months

Saturday 29th September 2007
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The Moody Goose, expensive but intimate. Stared. Let me know if Steven still puts too much salt in the salad.

Hole in The Wall, similar but not quite as good food.

Green Street Seafood Cafe, very good fish in a relaxed atmosphere.

Shangri La Restaurant, Thai.

Mai Tai, also Thai.

It has been 6 years since I cooked and lived in Bath so my info might be dated a bit.


4,665 posts

231 months

Saturday 29th September 2007
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I would recommend the Ring o'Roses in Holcombe. A mile from where we used to live and we went when we could - great food and wine and a good view of Downside Abbey from the garden.
Hope that helps



Original Poster:

956 posts

255 months

Sunday 30th September 2007
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Olivero said:
Mai Tai, also Thai.
Ended up going here. Hadn't been before.... food and service were both excellent.

Must try some of those other restaurants at some point