cooking tip for beginners



Original Poster:

5,169 posts

255 months

Friday 28th September 2007
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Well, I learnt something last night while cooking a stirfry smile

Do not add balsamic vinegar to olive oil and then heat it up in a frying pan! It spits like a bcensoredd.
I had to leave it to cool down, threw it away and then started again with just olive oil.

"That's obvious" I hear you cry. Well it wasn't to me. How many times have you seen olive oil and balsamic vinegar in dishes?


418 posts

213 months

Friday 28th September 2007
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Usually cold ones, mixed as a dressing hehe


17,949 posts

220 months

Friday 28th September 2007
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lesson no 2. buy a basic cookbook ? smile


237 posts

244 months

Saturday 29th September 2007
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thats funny gaz.....