Vacuum Wine Keepers



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35,349 posts

243 months

Thursday 20th September 2007
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A bit of advice please smile

My Dad's asked for a vacuum wine keeper thing for his birthday (the type with a pump and the rubber corks), so I wanted to find out a bit about them. I've got one that I bought in Sainsburys, and it seems well made and certainly keeps a partial vaccum as described. However, it keeps red wine for 24 hours, but much more than that and the wine starts to go off. You can taste the difference as time wears on (I'd say 24 hours is about equivalent to 4 or 5 hours left open with no cork), and if I try the wine on the 3rd night it's only just drinkable. Is that normal? Should I be looking elsewhere for a better one one for my Dad?



2,923 posts

290 months

Thursday 20th September 2007
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Its very simple - just finish the bottle yes


31,963 posts

242 months

Thursday 20th September 2007
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I don't think they work much better than simply re-corking it. You aren't going to get that much of a vacuum (if you did it would suck the cork in!)

Tell him to buy screw-tops...