1979 Pauillac



Original Poster:

3,591 posts

245 months

Saturday 8th September 2007
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I was given a bottle of '79 Pauillac Grand-puy Ducasse and have just popped the cork. Reasonably clean cork and filtered it into a decanter.
What should I expect from the taste?


3,937 posts

278 months

Saturday 8th September 2007
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only one way to find out mate!

I recently had two bottles of 35 year old port. One was vinegary and stale. The other... OMG... like ambrosia (the nectar of the gods, not the rice pudding smile)

bottoms up!



304 posts

223 months

Sunday 9th September 2007
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no news is good news or it could be the hangover from hell


Original Poster:

3,591 posts

245 months

Monday 10th September 2007
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Not so from the Pauillac i'm afraid. Although it looked good, the taste wasn't up to speed.
I resulted to a younger French Syrah.


35,295 posts

267 months

Tuesday 18th September 2007
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Grand Puy Ducasse has been a famously under-performing chateau for decades. 1979 was an OK year, but not a keeper. That wine was never going to be good, I'm afraid.


Original Poster:

3,591 posts

245 months

Tuesday 18th September 2007
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The last bottle of the consignment is a very torn label.All I can read is Du Chateau Martine. Societe civile Grand cru.
Proprietaire a LIBOURNE.
The date is also missing although I would say it is between 1976 and 1982.