What can I make with this



Original Poster:

40,626 posts

293 months

Friday 7th September 2007
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Currently in the fridge

Peppers, green,, red & yellow (big ones, not hot ones)

Freezer has

Chicken breasts

Can pick up extra ingredients tomorrow

Does not have to use all the ingredients but would like something a litle different than curry or stir fry

Edited by Cotty on Friday 7th September 20:36


3,591 posts

245 months

Friday 7th September 2007
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How about cutting the tops off the peppers. Frying the mince with the onions and mushrooms, buy some flavour of choice and fill the peppers?


Original Poster:

40,626 posts

293 months

Friday 7th September 2007
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Stuffed peppers idea

Why didnt I think of that. How though, hob or oven cook.


4,664 posts

233 months

Saturday 8th September 2007
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Cotty said:
Stuffed peppers idea

Why didnt I think of that. How though, hob or oven cook.
I do stuffed marrows - similar principle. Rice cooked and mixed with fried onions, mushrooms and bacon, plus some erbs etc. Then douse the lot in a cheesey bechamel sauce. Bake in oven for about 45 mins at about 180 - 200 degrees. Perfick :P

No reason you can't brown mince with onions, garlic, mushrooms and add some Worcestershire sauce, tom puree and erbs and put in peppers and bake as before.

Make it up as you go along - it'll be fine.