Wine Making



Original Poster:

17,517 posts

219 months

Wednesday 5th September 2007
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Does anyone on here make wine?

I would quite like to make a bit of my own.

Can anyone recommend where to start looking for advice and tips?


7,912 posts

264 months

Wednesday 5th September 2007
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The Lord Summerisle (he of the Friday Night Drinking and Listening thread) makes his own and so does Stackmonkey. P'raps PM those two fine gents as a starter for 10:

Ace-T smile


54,872 posts

264 months

Friday 7th September 2007
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There's a really good book that I (helpfully - I'll dig it out later) can't remember the name of that's a good start point. Ribena wine was a favourite as a studenthehe


1,488 posts

258 months

Saturday 8th September 2007
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If you get an older winemaking book from the library, beware that tastes have changed over the years and some of those recipes from the 60s/70s can end up with some horribly sweet wines. Lots of old recipes use raisins as part of the mix. These wines invariably end up looking unappetising and tasting at best like the stale sherry you nicked from your gran's sideboard when you were 5 wink

I personally don't use more than 1kg sugar per gallon of wine, on the basis that I'd rather have a dry wine of about 10-12% than a sickly sweet one of 14%or stronger.

You can get some really good wine kits these days from specialist homebrew suppliers - perhaps start with one of those.

A quote from CJJ Berry's book, "First steps in winemaking."

It is very little more trouble to make five gallons than to make one (and it lasts nearly twice as long!)


5,078 posts

258 months

Sunday 7th October 2007
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Depending on what you want to make wine with, try either or both of
winesathome, or homewinemaking. they have slightly different emphases, but should be good for basic tips.
Get hold of the CJJ Berry book too, as stated above.