Where to buy REALLY good wine


pistonbroke PHd

Original Poster:

2,058 posts

217 months

Wednesday 5th September 2007
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Had a visit this morning from a sales rep from a company called PIEROTH, wine distributors. I am definitely not a wine connoisseur and sadly tend to buy based on price (i.e. the cheapest gets put in the shopping trolley). But I stopped drinking wine completely about a year ago because the stuff we were buying was just shite, as you would expect. Problem is I have expensive taste but these days not the bank balance to support it.

Anyway although I'm not normally a lover of white wine, the whites this guy gave us samples of were very obviously of a higher class than the £3.99 Chardonnay currently sitting in our fridge. And at £143 for a case of 12, or almost £12 a bottle, it did seem worth it but in the end (after sampling about 10 different wines and getting half pissed) I somehow retained the common sense to say no, simply because I shouldn't blow £143 on alcohol at the moment. The ones I liked were mainly German but there also some more than decent reds and whites from Chile and Hungary. Others from Australia and Sicily also good but not the best ones.

You can't make a silk purse out of a cow's ear and all that, but does anyone have any suggestions on how to find quality wine for more affordable prices? I would pay perhaps £80 for a case of 12, which works out at under £7 a bottle - but the problem is, I tasted some £7 Cabernet Sauvignons this morning (i.e. within my budget) but even I could taste the difference in that they weren't as good as the £12 bottles. By the way I don't know any of the poncey words used to describe wine, I just know when I like it, and it tends to be more than I can afford when I do......silly


2,252 posts

216 months

Wednesday 5th September 2007
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I do like Berry Brothers



22,581 posts

234 months

Wednesday 5th September 2007
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Seconded on Berry Brothers.

There are many shippers you could go to for a regular supply, but BBR are pretty good and of course will deliver.


4,061 posts

226 months

Wednesday 5th September 2007
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23,341 posts

224 months

Wednesday 5th September 2007
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pistonbroke PHd said:
You can't make a silk purse out of a cow's ear
Pig's ear.

lord summerisle

8,151 posts

234 months

Wednesday 5th September 2007
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£36.99 for 30 bottles.

ok you have to brew it yourself, but still - excellent wine

Lurking Lawyer

4,535 posts

234 months

Wednesday 5th September 2007
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lord summerisle said:
ok you have to brew it yourself
I'm not sure brew is quite the right word to describe making wine! biglaughtongue out

pistonbroke PHd

Original Poster:

2,058 posts

217 months

Wednesday 5th September 2007
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Glassman said:

Pig's ear.

None here.

Thanks for the update though


23,341 posts

224 months

Wednesday 5th September 2007
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pistonbroke PHd said:
Glassman said:

Pig's ear.

None here.

Thanks for the update though

Tina K

21,390 posts

221 months

Wednesday 5th September 2007
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VirginWines.com Easy to find what you like by style and price. thumbup


24,899 posts

279 months

Wednesday 5th September 2007
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http://www.tremayneandwebb.co.uk/  Decent wine and Toby Webster is a thoroughly nice chap too. He used to have a shop in Epping High Street. smile


5,151 posts

246 months

Wednesday 5th September 2007
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£25 a ticket and you get that off any orders. Allows you to try a good couple of hundred wines and order what you like.
Very good day out :hic:

Andy OH

1,940 posts

259 months

Wednesday 5th September 2007
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you could try Sunday Times Wine Club you don't have to be a member and there are lots of decent wine at very reasonable prices

Mahatma Bag

27,428 posts

288 months

Wednesday 5th September 2007
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a REALLY good wine shop?


7,117 posts

258 months

Wednesday 5th September 2007
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Glassman said:
pistonbroke PHd said:
You can't make a silk purse out of a cow's ear
Pig's ear.
Sow's ear.

Berry Bros are good, and the chap who runs the internet side is hugely helpful.

But the best way is to find a local independant wine merchant, and get to know them. Many do free tastings. They are more able to get smaller producers output than the bigger buyers such as Vigin, Laithwaites, STWC.


48,907 posts

257 months

Wednesday 5th September 2007
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WildCards said:

Our garage is full of fanastic €3.50 Tourraine Sauv Blanc, along with €8 Sancerre.

Now these €8 Sancerre bottles retail for £12+ over here... (or £25+ in a restaurant!)


6,792 posts

241 months

Wednesday 5th September 2007
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I WANT TO SHOUT THIS FROM THE ROOFTOPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


This is the best company I have ever dealt with (wine or not), I cannot recommend them highly enough.

They're up for an award in Decanter magazine. Ask for David, but everyone there is fantastic.


17,120 posts

226 months

Wednesday 5th September 2007
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Speak to PHer Bebs.

I've just had a case of Sancerre delivered from his company, 2 bottles down already! It's bloody lovely.

lord summerisle

8,151 posts

234 months

Wednesday 5th September 2007
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Lurking Lawyer said:
lord summerisle said:
ok you have to brew it yourself
I'm not sure brew is quite the right word to describe making wine! biglaughtongue out
comes from a home brew shop...

you pour concentrate juice, water & yeast into a fermentation bin shake and leave. with some kits you've got to add extra sugar, and sometimes wood chipping and on the really expensive kits grape skins too... and leave to ferment for a few weeks...

but its easier to say 'brew' tongue out

end result remains = drink


14,756 posts

218 months

Wednesday 5th September 2007
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We get ours from Pieroth now, used to get from Virgin