Not a thread about the joys of french toast (of which I am a fan with some bacon and maple syrup) but a question..
Which, if any do you keep in the fridge?
I keep eggs in the fridge, there's a holder for them that came with the fridge, but by Gran keeps them on the side in a basket (supermarkets don't refrigerate them either), but she keeps her bread in a box in the fridge.
Which, if any do you keep in the fridge?
I keep eggs in the fridge, there's a holder for them that came with the fridge, but by Gran keeps them on the side in a basket (supermarkets don't refrigerate them either), but she keeps her bread in a box in the fridge.
Plotloss said:
You should NEVER keep eggs in the fridge.
They go off quicker due to the shells being porous.
I'd forgotten this! Having had chickens in the garden as a kid I'd go hunting for eggs and we kept them on a special egg shelf mum had (no idea where she got it, was wooden with holes for eggs) and I've been told they can keep for up to 6 weeks like this! :OThey go off quicker due to the shells being porous.
Possibly why I've never been worried about eating eggs.
Oh and just to make you all jealous, I now have a supply at work of fresh genuine free range eggs every Friday, a dozen for £1.20
Everything once its been opened, goes in the fridge.
Keep Bread in the freezer as we don't eat much. Jam, Marinades, Sauces, Dairy, Meats, veg, cereal etc are all in the fridge due to :-
High humidity
Means that for something cooked or left out, if not stored in the fridge asap or at most left overnight, will develop a film of mould by the next day.
Keep Bread in the freezer as we don't eat much. Jam, Marinades, Sauces, Dairy, Meats, veg, cereal etc are all in the fridge due to :-
High humidity
Means that for something cooked or left out, if not stored in the fridge asap or at most left overnight, will develop a film of mould by the next day.
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