Wine or Beer?


Urban Sports

Original Poster:

11,321 posts

212 months

Tuesday 21st August 2007
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This may have been done before, but anyway I was always a big beer drinker but over the past 2 years I seemed to have been moving from beer to vino!

No particular reason I just seem to be at a cross roads as to which one I prefer!

Just wondering on what everybody else thinks?


48,907 posts

257 months

Tuesday 21st August 2007
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Much more wine then beer these days - and I believe that's the trend (there was press on this a few weeks back).

I think it's the peeing so much when you drink beer that puts me off, along with the beery bum.

PH serious thread reduced to lowest common denominator immediately


20,007 posts

237 months

Tuesday 21st August 2007
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Whichever's nearest tongue out


16,374 posts

218 months

Tuesday 21st August 2007
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Generally prefer wine, particularly French and Italian reds. Most beer tastes of chemicals... except the 7% rotate 'Debowe Mocne' that my Polish colleague brought me last week... which was light, crisp and very refreshing and produced no hangover whatsoever!

Edited by MitchT on Tuesday 21st August 22:26

Urban Sports

Original Poster:

11,321 posts

212 months

Tuesday 21st August 2007
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Cask ales are nice but mass produced lager just doesn't do it for me anymore, red wine is really good especially spanish which I seem to drink now.

Some beers are harsh and far too gassy!


23,339 posts

224 months

Tuesday 21st August 2007
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Wine, the black stuff or a pint of cooking fat.


54,870 posts

264 months

Wednesday 22nd August 2007
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Both (and gin and whiskywink). Red wine is my favourite though, to the point that I avoid it during the week because it's too easy to find myself at the bottom of the bottle and looking at a less than productive morning the next day. It's just too tasty.

Beerwise I prefer bitter (cask, not pump - hark at me, the beer snobhehe) before guiness, with lager coming in last unless it's hot. And even then I'd rather a good Czech lager, and wouldn't touch Heineken and its ilk.

Having said that I spent a very pleasant afternoon drinking Fosters in cans (oh, the shame) the other day, but in my defence we were at a race circuit and there was nothing else about.


17,120 posts

226 months

Wednesday 22nd August 2007
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When i'm out with the lads, i'll normally start on the beer and ultimately end up on the beer.

As for my ultimate preference, i'd go with wine. You simply can't beat a big chunker of a bordeaux or rioja.

At home I drink far more wine, it's very rare that we have any beers in the house anymore. I prefer a nice refreshing G&T after finishing work.


16,277 posts

274 months

Wednesday 22nd August 2007
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I prefer wine by the pint, taking after my great uncle "Triceratops Pap-smear the Ist" ...


879 posts

212 months

Wednesday 22nd August 2007
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Wine. A nice red or white Rioja.


1,575 posts

228 months

Wednesday 22nd August 2007
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Beer, always beer. Either a fine real ale or a proper lager like Bitburger, Budvar or one of the fantastic brews from the Meantime Brewery drink

Have never really got into wine.

Forthright MC

8,362 posts

292 months

Wednesday 22nd August 2007
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Saied said:
Beer, always beer. Either a fine real ale or a proper lager like Bitburger, Budvar or one of the fantastic brews from the Meantime Brewery drink

Have never really got into wine.
same here, got to be a proper real ale for me drink

fatboy b

9,591 posts

225 months

Thursday 23rd August 2007
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As beer makes me fart more, 'er indoors requests that I drink more wine. I've no probs with that drunk