Can you freeze cooked ham slices?

Can you freeze cooked ham slices?



Original Poster:

5,691 posts

229 months

Friday 17th August 2007
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Can you freeze cooked ham slices? Its about the only thing we have to keep going to the shops for, once a week. Bread etc. are frozen and defrosted as required.

You can freeze/defrost bacon so why not cooked ham?

Will it just stick together then fall apart after defrosting?

Tina K

21,415 posts

222 months

Saturday 18th August 2007
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I'm sure you can - however in order to avoid the slices sticking together, you would need to take it out of the original packaging, interleave it with greaseproof paper and freeze the lot in eg. a ziplok sandwich bag for easy access when you want a slice.

Seems a lot of hassle though - unless you're living in a place where such a thing isn't readily available. confused

In which case I can quite understand - expat friends of mine crave for Monster Munch, Jaffa Cakes and Fray Bentos tinned pies.


13,993 posts

259 months

Saturday 18th August 2007
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We freeze this at work, and you shouldnt need to separate it, comes out fine at the other end


4,773 posts

213 months

Saturday 18th August 2007
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We've found that most cooked ham slices from the deli. counter freeze well but home cooked ham tends to dry out after a while. Probably something to do with the ham's water content.


1,278 posts

223 months

Sunday 19th August 2007
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Not wishing to put a downer on things.
Yes ham can be frozen..... But, it can only be frozen ONCE.
The problem being is that food handlers may well freeze it in transit?

The best thing to do is to buy PROPER sliced ham off the bone (go to the deli counter.... instead of buying the pre packed "stuff&quotwink. You may pay a bit more for it. But that way you won't run any risk.
If handled incorrectly ham (like most meat) it can contain some VERY harmfull bacteria.

The more water content in ham - the lower the quality!!

Hope this helps



137 posts

219 months

Wednesday 22nd August 2007
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Um, while that's true about freezing once - 9 times out of ten the deli counter is no differently treated to anything on the shelves. Supermarket deli counters are mainly "broken open" packages and you can often buy the same product on the refrigerated shelves. Deli counters are there to give consumers only an illusion of "fresh".


1,278 posts

223 months

Wednesday 22nd August 2007
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I guess it depends on where you shop!!!




21,707 posts

282 months

Wednesday 22nd August 2007
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Of course you can freeze ham slices. The question is, will they kill you if you eat them? Well, I've never met anyone who died of eating defrosted ham slices, so I guess they must be fine. Hope that helps.


Original Poster:

5,691 posts

229 months

Wednesday 22nd August 2007
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ATG said:
I've never met anyone who died of eating defrosted ham slices, so I guess they must be fine. Hope that helps.
I've never met anyone who died of cancer - doesnt mean its harmless though! wink


222 posts

210 months

Wednesday 22nd August 2007
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yes you can, but you cannot refreeze after defrosting. if you require defrosting slice - by - slice, as said earlier, interleave with greaseproof paper first! it should be fine as regards retaining its quality, but defrost under refrigeration overnight, room temp is not good! perfect bacteria breeding ground!


21,707 posts

282 months

Thursday 23rd August 2007
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Goochie said:
ATG said:
I've never met anyone who died of eating defrosted ham slices, so I guess they must be fine. Hope that helps.
I've never met anyone who died of cancer - doesnt mean its harmless though! wink
No? Really? Are you sure?


222 posts

210 months

Thursday 23rd August 2007
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ATG said:
Goochie said:
ATG said:
I've never met anyone who died of eating defrosted ham slices, so I guess they must be fine. Hope that helps.
I've never met anyone who died of cancer - doesnt mean its harmless though! wink
No? Really? Are you sure?
"I see dead people!"

10 Pence Short

32,880 posts

227 months

Thursday 23rd August 2007
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A little while ago I my Food Safety in Catering. If you followed every procedure it recommends you'd never eat some foods! For example if you cook something it's supposed to have a core temperature of 70 degrees for at least 2 minutes. That would kind of knacker a decent blue steak!


21,707 posts

282 months

Thursday 23rd August 2007
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10 Pence Short said:
A little while ago I my Food Safety in Catering. If you followed every procedure it recommends you'd never eat some foods! For example if you cook something it's supposed to have a core temperature of 70 degrees for at least 2 minutes. That would kind of knacker a decent blue steak!
Quite. Last time I was in la belle France, I was served a pile of raw steak mince with a raw egg yolk in a half egg shell balanced on top ready to be dumped into it. No one seemed to die as a result. No doubt the restaurant owner would be doing porridge if they were serving this in the UK. I once saw some local government food hygiene officer extol the virtues of fish and chips on the basis that the hot fat killed all known germs, dead. Never mind the malnutrition and heart disease that would result from that fine diet. Madness, I tell you, madness.


21,707 posts

282 months

Thursday 23rd August 2007
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Adam_BGT said:
ATG said:
Goochie said:
ATG said:
I've never met anyone who died of eating defrosted ham slices, so I guess they must be fine. Hope that helps.
I've never met anyone who died of cancer - doesnt mean its harmless though! wink
No? Really? Are you sure?
"I see dead people!"
Well ask them if any were killed by defrosted ham.