


Original Poster:

2,032 posts

233 months

Thursday 16th August 2007
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Realistically, can I use my fan oven (revs to about 240 deg C according to the controls) as a tandoor and cook me some tandoori lamb tonight?


Original Poster:

2,032 posts

233 months

Thursday 16th August 2007
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FWIW the answer was yes.

Einion Yrth

19,575 posts

253 months

Friday 17th August 2007
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imbecile said:
FWIW the answer was yes.
I wouldn't suggest atempting to cook your naan breads by sticking them to the side of a fan oven though. wink


7,117 posts

258 months

Friday 17th August 2007
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I wouldn't recommend it, but you can cover the tmperature sensor in your oven to get it higher - this was a trick Jeffrey Steingarden (aka the man who ate everything) used to get a conventional even hot enough to cook a pizza properly.

Edited by Noger on Friday 17th August 15:47


Original Poster:

2,032 posts

233 months

Friday 17th August 2007
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Noger said:
I wouldn't recommend it, but you can cover the tmperature sensor in your oven to get it higher - this was a trick John Steingarden (aka the man who ate everything) used to get a conventional even hot enough to cook a pizza properly.
As an irresposnsible person, this sounds quite a good idea to me - cover it with what?


7,117 posts

258 months

Friday 17th August 2007
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He soaked a piece of cloth in water, and froze it. Then drapped it over the sensor.

The oven broke !


67,280 posts

279 months

Friday 17th August 2007
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Einion Yrth said:
imbecile said:
FWIW the answer was yes.
I wouldn't suggest atempting to cook your naan breads by sticking them to the side of a fan oven though. wink
With Naan you can get a fairly good approximation of the tandoor by using a dry crepe pan.


13,993 posts

258 months

Saturday 18th August 2007
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I am so unprofesional, never made naan bread from scratch paperbag


7,117 posts

258 months

Sunday 19th August 2007
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Plotloss said:
Einion Yrth said:
imbecile said:
FWIW the answer was yes.
I wouldn't suggest atempting to cook your naan breads by sticking them to the side of a fan oven though. wink
With Naan you can get a fairly good approximation of the tandoor by using a dry crepe pan.
Or even a decent pan smile (gets coat).

I do middle eastern flatbreads on the BBQ, that works well. Nan not so good. Must try the crepe pan idea. Similar to Hestons "perfect" pizza using a hot griddle pan in the oven ?

jas xjr

11,309 posts

248 months

Sunday 19th August 2007
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a few years ago i saw a little tandoor that you placed inside your oven. or did i dream it?