What to accompany a salad?



Original Poster:

4,700 posts

213 months

Monday 13th August 2007
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I'm living at my brothers house while hes away for 2 weeks (its hugeeee and all mine! biggrin ) Rather then eating all the unhealthy crap i usually do, I've filled the fridge with fruit and veg. Mixed salads, carrots, cabbage, mixed peppers, grapes, strawberrys, maderins, plums, bananas, apples etc.
I'll be doing a big fat ceaser salad with some grilled chicken tonight, but for tomorrow, what else can I cook to go with the salady bits? I dont want to have chicken every night this week!


67,280 posts

279 months

Monday 13th August 2007
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What goes with salad?

Onion Bhajis

Theres always room for garnish.


5,689 posts

228 months

Monday 13th August 2007
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Wrap whole trout in foil with some slices of lemon and cook for 20-25 mins.


7,879 posts

229 months

Monday 13th August 2007
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Get some good tuna in olive oil, Taste the difference that sort of thing.
Boiled eggs cut into halves or quarters and covered in in mayo.
French Beans and you have some sort of Salad Nicoise. lick

Parma Ham and Mozzarella also go well together.

Failing that, get a Pork pie with egg and cover in Salad Cream.

Tina K

21,389 posts

221 months

Monday 13th August 2007
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I often make a big plate of salad leaves, fresh herbs, sliced tomatoes, blanched green beans, etc and top it with things like...

- Frazzled bacon
- Mushrooms fried in butter with garlic
- Goats cheese melted under the grill on thick slices of toasted ciabatta
- Chicken livers pan fried with red onion and a splash of balsamic vinegar at the end
- Salmon marinated in grated ginger, crushed garlic, soy sauce, sesame oil, chopped chilli and then grilled.

If you've got enough flavour in the herbs plus nice ripe tomatoes, then you shouldn't need extra dressing, although I sometimes sprinkle a bit of balsamic vinegar over.


3,298 posts

231 months

Tuesday 14th August 2007
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Baked/Roasted Apple, Blackpudding & a Raspberry Dressing

Tina K

21,389 posts

221 months

Wednesday 15th August 2007
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AndyAudi said:
Baked/Roasted Apple, Blackpudding & a Raspberry Dressing
That sounds nice - how do you make the raspberry dressing?


3,298 posts

231 months

Thursday 16th August 2007
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Tina K said:
AndyAudi said:
Baked/Roasted Apple, Blackpudding & a Raspberry Dressing
That sounds nice - how do you make the raspberry dressing?
Mine was some left over raspberry puree from the previous nights ice cream!
But I'm sure you could make or buy something more sophisticated!


17,120 posts

226 months

Friday 17th August 2007
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Grilled haloumi cheese. lick