Homely foods



Original Poster:

13,993 posts

259 months

Thursday 9th August 2007
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What are your favourites, from years ago, that you still love if you need a bit of cheering up?

I am eating a salt and vinegar crisp sandwich, cant beat it!

Tina K

21,410 posts

222 months

Thursday 9th August 2007
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Mashed potato made with proper floury old 'taters. Whatever passes for potatoes in supermarkets these days is a watery imitation of the real thing.


5,816 posts

230 months

Thursday 9th August 2007
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Home baked scones ...butter melting....steaming hot.....smile


7,117 posts

259 months

Friday 10th August 2007
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Cheese on toast croutons in Heinz Tomato soup.


Original Poster:

13,993 posts

259 months

Friday 10th August 2007
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Scrambled egg and baked beans (same saucepan)


17,121 posts

227 months

Saturday 11th August 2007
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Toad in the hole..... I can't get enough of the stuff.


22,096 posts

236 months

Sunday 12th August 2007
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missdiane said:
Scrambled egg and baked beans (same saucepan)

Beans on toast (thick white sliced) with a poached egg on top. Runny.


22,096 posts

236 months

Sunday 12th August 2007
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Also, banana sandwiches.

David Godfrey

3,857 posts

234 months

Sunday 12th August 2007
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Marmite soldiers, with real butter none of this healty stuff hehe


32,038 posts

231 months

Sunday 12th August 2007
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Marmite on toast with chicken noodle cup a soup


1,531 posts

240 months

Monday 13th August 2007
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escargot said:
Toad in the hole..... I can't get enough of the stuff.
yes I agree toad in the hole is the best yum


64 months

Tuesday 14th August 2007
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Haze said:
escargot said:
Toad in the hole..... I can't get enough of the stuff.
yes I agree toad in the hole is the best yum
MMMMMMMMMMmmmmmmmm! love it

A good variation on the theme is to cook a batch of pancakes and sausages and roll the banger up in the pancake (pigs in a blanket) and put them in the oven for a bit. Serve them with buttery mash and homemade onion gravy


15,763 posts

280 months

Tuesday 14th August 2007
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CommanderJameson said:
Also, banana sandwiches.


4,778 posts

277 months

Tuesday 14th August 2007
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Homemade cottage pie....mmm

Also liver & bacon casserole...mmmm



9,932 posts

221 months

Sunday 19th August 2007
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Vegetable crumble with loads of really strong Cheddar in the crumble topping. lick

Stu R

21,410 posts

225 months

Sunday 19th August 2007
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A good hearty home made broth and some good old fashioned mince and onions with big stodgy dumplings sat on top.