Jamie at Home Ch4



Original Poster:

7,911 posts

264 months

Tuesday 7th August 2007
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Irrespective of whether you like the chap or not I am sitting here drooling over the tomato recipes he is showing at the moment.

....aaaarrrrgghhh..... /homer hehelick

Ace-T smile


13,578 posts

252 months

Tuesday 7th August 2007
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Was eating and missed the first half of the programme.

Looked good though. Simple recipes without the "cool" handheld camerawork of his original series.


7,117 posts

258 months

Thursday 9th August 2007
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I struggled to understand what the audience for this was.

On one hand you had more tomato varieties than the average person can get hold of, muslin, a spare fridge, a wood burning oven ... which doesn't exactly point to being easy.

But then the receipes were totally simple, basic almost (oooh, fresh tomato sauce for a pasta - what a new idea !) so if you had all of the above you probably knew about them anyway.

The sausage thing looked great, but without the right ingredients I would think it would be bland. A few packets of waterery dutch toms, and some cheapy bangers are not going to work.

Didn't annoy me as much as Rick Stein. Used to love the guy, but I hate his bloody patronising "here we are in xxxx, isn;t everything so much better than at home".

Loved his new trick of putting water from the pasta into the sauce, apparently the Italians do it do they Rick ? Read a Jammie book from years ago and you might find he was doing it too ! No new trick there really.