Best Indian restuarant in Leicester?

Best Indian restuarant in Leicester?


Organic Doner

Original Poster:

14 posts

211 months

Tuesday 7th August 2007
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Hey Folks - organising a work dinner in Leicester and would like a venue with good service, authentic food and preferably near a good pub so we can have a pint before or after.

Shimla Pinks seems to be the de rigeur choice and I seem to recall the location near the station being fairly central.

Alternatively Little India (9 miles away from the Marriott everyone is staying at) seems to be quite good.

Would appreciate your views.


13,578 posts

252 months

Tuesday 7th August 2007
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Red Veil is supposed to be very, very good.

Haven't had the pleasure myself mind.

ETA: Wouldn't it have been better to move this thread to the Midlands forum, rather than the Food&Drink one?

Edited by Frik on Tuesday 7th August 22:14