Fats and oils



Original Poster:

2,032 posts

233 months

Friday 3rd August 2007
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I use ghee for curry, olive oil for most pasta dishes, sesame seed oil for stir fries, random vegetable oil for deep frying, and don't really fry much else.

How important is the fat choice to the meal?


3,239 posts

219 months

Saturday 4th August 2007
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The choice of oil is quite important: you need to match the flavour/texture of the oil with the type of cuisine. The flavour of olive oil would not work well in a curry, and the texture of ghee would be all wrong in a pasta dish.

One thing though - it's not a good idea to cook in sesame oil as it burns very easily and has a strong flavour. It should be added to the dish towards the end of cooking.


16,277 posts

274 months

Saturday 4th August 2007
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uberscruff said:
One thing though - it's not a good idea to cook in sesame oil as it burns very easily and has a strong flavour. It should be added to the dish towards the end of cooking.

Walnut oil also has a very nice flavour, its good stuff but also burns easily.


22,096 posts

235 months

Saturday 4th August 2007
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I use peanut oil for oriental stir frying, because you can get it mega hot.


17,120 posts

226 months

Saturday 11th August 2007
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Ground nut oil for frying bacon (and the rest of the brekkie).


63 months

Tuesday 14th August 2007
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Oil is very important some are flavoured, such a walnut or sesame, some are not. Groundnut (peanut) can be heated to very high temps but extra virgin should be no more than warmed. I tend to avoid the generic vegetable oils for deep frying and use rapesead instead as its less greasy. Last year I made my own beach nut oil which turned out very well (took quite a while!)


16,277 posts

274 months

Tuesday 14th August 2007
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MonkeyMatt said:
Last year I made my own beach nut oil which turned out very well (took quite a while!)
Id be interested to hear your step by step procedure. Im guessing you needed several billion beach nuts?


63 months

Wednesday 15th August 2007
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UKbob said:
MonkeyMatt said:
Last year I made my own beach nut oil which turned out very well (took quite a while!)
Id be interested to hear your step by step procedure. Im guessing you needed several billion beach nuts?
I only managed a small bottle. I collected rather a large amount of beech nuts (quite easy) and put them in a blender shell and all in batches, then squeezed the pulp by ringing with a tea towel then left the liqiud to settle and seperate! Got the idea from the 'Food For Free' Book.


17,120 posts

226 months

Wednesday 15th August 2007
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I'd rather just buy it to be honest.

10/10 for effort though.