Price Reduced Coffee At Waitrose .

Price Reduced Coffee At Waitrose .



Original Poster:

2,594 posts

56 months

Saturday 18th January
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I have been buying Illy Intenso from Waitrose for many years right back to when it was around £3.50 a tin . £7.00 now at Waitrose though regularly available for £5 a tin but you have to check the shelves periodically to find it .
Tuesday night I picked up four tins of Intenso to add to my stock along with one tin of Brasile which comes with a green band around the tin . I had never come across this Brasile before and sadly there was only one tin left , I don't know if anyone else has ? I make Coffee soley with an old Alessi Stove Top and I have just opened this Brasile and it was really impressive . Im sat here contemplating all the money I spend in coffee shops and I always seem to come to the same conclusion as many no doubt have before me , I can make better coffee myself and I don't need a machine to do it .