Name that cake?



Original Poster:

8,433 posts

118 months

Monday 13th January
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First signs of dementia. For some reason I thought about a cake I used to buy when I was younger (from traditional British bakeries) but couldn’t remember the name. Perhaps some of the older people on here will remember. It had a puff pastry base but was covered in strands of white coconut and icing?


18 posts

168 months

Monday 13th January
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it's called a London Cheesecake.
Loved these when I was younger, haven't seen one for ages!


352 posts

13 months

Monday 13th January
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Funnily enough you can find them at Aldi, only place I've ever seen them!


Original Poster:

8,433 posts

118 months

Monday 13th January
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tiw75 said:
it's called a London Cheesecake.
Loved these when I was younger, haven't seen one for ages!


944 posts

113 months

Monday 13th January
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I often buy one at a traditional bakers in Leigh-on-Sea, didn't realise they are 'endangered'.


40,622 posts

293 months

Wednesday 15th January
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I was only thinking about these the other day. Im not a fan of cakes but used to love these.


4,600 posts

91 months

Wednesday 15th January
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gt40steve said:
I often buy one at a traditional bakers in Leigh-on-Sea, didn't realise they are 'endangered'.
grouts are good, hope they don't go the way of percy ingles!


1,447 posts

114 months

Wednesday 15th January
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Bit off topic and hope the OP doesn't mind...

But traditional cakes do seem to be becoming extinct, as do your average high street bakery that used to sell them...In the small towns round here anyway.

We only seem to have Greggs, with Bakers Oven and Three Cooks vanishing. While Greggs used to sell some great traditional cakes (bread pudding, coconut macaroons, Eccles cakes, rock cakes and more) these days it seems to be just iced donuts, yum yums and muffins.


4,600 posts

91 months

Wednesday 15th January
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Greggs took over bakers oven. BO was primarily southern England Greggs northern.

Greggs expanded and went corporate simplifying offering this being done with the variety of a traditional bakers shop foresaken for simplicity and tilt to selling junk food mass produced savouries. I have been in Greggs about 5 times in life, 3 times when they brought the vegan sausage roll out initially to see what the fuss was about, once in Portobello to compare macaroni pies with baynes...they didn't sell them, recently in Canary wharf as I needed bland stodge ahead of a date night out which was due to involve copious drinking and burping.

Most places it's either Greggs (or wenzels) or full on artisanal. Nothing in-between. The old school bakers is few and far between. See sad demise of Percy ingles in London and metropolitan Essex.

South east Essex is lucky to have grouts which is old school and baynes in Edinburgh and a few in the central belt and fife are similar with your Scottish bakery classics, and Cornwall is well served to a degree with Rowe and warrens (if you avoid both pasties which are awful).

I imagine the north has it's small chains of traditional bakers too but not familiar.

Interestingly I was in gunns bakery in sandy and biggleswade on the way up to the strawbear festival in the fens on Saturday with the aim of grabbing some clangers (got some frozen ones and one had none the other only uncooked frozen) they looked to be struggling and have closed a couple off stores since there prime.

Edited by theplayingmantis on Wednesday 15th January 23:30

Edited by theplayingmantis on Wednesday 15th January 23:31

Edit multiple times due to toilet phone typing!

Edited by theplayingmantis on Wednesday 15th January 23:32


3 posts

Thursday 23rd January
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tiw75 said:
it's called a London Cheesecake.
Loved these when I was younger, haven't seen one for ages!
Oh, this is some kind of nostalgia for me. I remember that taste


1,022 posts

23 months

Thursday 23rd January
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I had similar when I met up with one of my sisters recently.

It was Manchester Tart I think.

Pasty, jam, custard stuff and coconut.


4,600 posts

91 months

Thursday 23rd January
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Manchester Tart is a bit different. more cakey less pastriy