


Original Poster:

12,072 posts

170 months

Saturday 4th January
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26,248 posts

267 months

Saturday 4th January
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Nice thumbup That's prompted me to have a go so just ordered these two (ready to fruit one block of each).............

I wanted Shiitake but the delivery date was 12-14 weeks !!! Where did you get yours and what did it take to grow them?


Original Poster:

12,072 posts

170 months

Saturday 4th January
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dickymint said:
Nice thumbup That's prompted me to have a go so just ordered these two (ready to fruit one block of each).............

I wanted Shiitake but the delivery date was 12-14 weeks !!! Where did you get yours and what did it take to grow them?
Hi Dicky smile
The kit in the photo ordered a couple of weeks before Xmas (from Suttons who I get my seeds from) were incorrectly addressed and went missing… I tracked them down to a warehouse in Norwich but the substrate had by then been in plastic wrap for something like 5 days longer than should have been… I picked them up from the warehouse but the damage was done, which is why a large area of the substrate has no growth… I’m harvesting these tomorrow and will sauté them in butter and garlic smile

I got in touch with Suttons and explained what had happened and they are sending me another kit free of charge… the kit apparently produces three harvests!

Go on Sutton seeds website and search stake the kit should come up straight away. They were prepped and dispatched within three days and should have been next day delivery…. Growing instructions are on the box and pretty straight forward… I’ll let you know how they taste biggrin


18,224 posts

180 months

Saturday 4th January
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Growing them from scratch is fun too.


6,461 posts

32 months

Saturday 4th January
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Watching this thread with interest. I'm big into mushroom foraging and been thinking of having a go at growing.

Mobile Chicane

21,390 posts

221 months

Saturday 4th January
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Silvanus said:
Watching this thread with interest. I'm big into mushroom foraging and been thinking of having a go at growing.
Lion's mane would be an interesting one to go for I think.