Anyone now what Kenny Miller (Jailhouse Chilli fame) is upto

Anyone now what Kenny Miller (Jailhouse Chilli fame) is upto



Original Poster:

1,950 posts

128 months

Thursday 2nd January
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Anyone know what happened to Kenny?

He was considered a bit of a prodigy in the late 90s, tipped to be the new Keith Floyd?

Kenny worked in America's deep south, perfecting Gumbo, Cajun, Tex-Mex etc, then opened Kenny's in Hampstead. Last I heard, he was working at Cactus Blue in Chelsea for Brian Stein, but is long gone.

People from this forum will know him as the creator of the legendary 'Jailhouse Chilli'.

Anyone have any idea?

EDIT - nightmare spelling mistake in the title!


565 posts

111 months

Thursday 2nd January
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I think someone asked the same question on here last year and it turned out he had passed away. Don’t know any more than that.


5,348 posts

213 months

Thursday 2nd January
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JKRolling said:
I think someone asked the same question on here last year and it turned out he had passed away. Don’t know any more than that.
Mobile Chicane said:
I have a pot on the go as well.

The cheapest beef available - Tesco frozen casserole beef - works particularly well in Jailhouse, but give it at least 8 hours in the slow cooker as it's as tough as tractor tyres.

I was fortunate to eat at Cactus Blue while Kenny was Head Chef there and the food was amazing.

I've been trying for years to track Kenny down and thank him. Last mention I found was on a hotel and catering forum, on which the poster said they thought he might have died. frown