3.2kgish sirloin - sous vide now, cut up, or...?

3.2kgish sirloin - sous vide now, cut up, or...?



Original Poster:

4,693 posts

195 months

Tuesday 24th December 2024
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I have 3.2kgish of sirloin (3 ribs) to cook for Xmas. The actual meal will be served at Grandma Foolish in a kitchen I find increasingly difficult to use, not only because I haven't the faintest clue what the temperature of anything is except by using an oven thermometer. However I have total access to my kitchen on Xmas eve and it's my basic plan to do as much there as possible beforehand...

My basic options as I see it are:

1. Start cooking the 3.2kg joint more or less NOW, sous vide, and brown it at very high heat at hers on Xmas lunch.
2. Cut the joint into 1kgs roughly - i.e. a rib each - and start cooking sous vide either early Xmas morning or late Xmas eve. Then brown at hers.
3. Use my meater and cook it at my grandmothers on the day.

I'm currently inclining towards option 2 but welcome input.

(for clarity I will be doing all the cooking)

Edited by Somewhatfoolish on Tuesday 24th December 00:35


3,940 posts

144 months

Tuesday 24th December 2024
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Not sure if serious or another of your troll posts but the answer is 3 .


Original Poster:

4,693 posts

195 months

Tuesday 24th December 2024
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fttm said:
Not sure if serious or another of your troll posts but the answer is 3 .
In the unlikely event I may occasionally say things for a laugh, it would be something I am not doing very much. Anyways here is my joint. What's the reasoning for going for 3 over 2? Latter remains my preference (on the basis it sounds easier to cook - do sous vide at mine and then finish off at an unspecific temperature for 20 mins at Grandma Foolish) without a specific reasoning

Edited by Somewhatfoolish on Tuesday 24th December 02:24


1,165 posts

17 months

Tuesday 24th December 2024
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Why bother messing around when you can easily make Steak Tartare


Original Poster:

4,693 posts

195 months

Wednesday 25th December 2024
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lancslad58 said:
Why bother messing around when you can easily make Steak Tartare
idk but for what it's worth the "chopped into three" sous vide approach worked perfectly fine so I don't know what the issue was and I guess I'll never know...