Help! Where to order hamper Germany for shipping in Germany?

Help! Where to order hamper Germany for shipping in Germany?



Original Poster:

12,460 posts

270 months

Tuesday 17th December 2024
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I've been sending my brother (who lives in Northern Germany) nice hampers of food & drink for Christmas for the last few years, but post brexit that's become 'problematic' to say the least, so no more. I figured it'd be easy enough to find a German shop of that ilk that I could order from with the bonus of faster, easier shipping... but no. Google has delivered nothing, it seems to think all I'm after is German foods sent here or serves me uk based German food shops. I guess this is a question for someone with local knowledge - for obvious reasons I'd rather not ask him directly hehe Can anyone help!??

Mr Pointy

12,054 posts

168 months

Tuesday 17th December 2024
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Try logging in via a VPN with a German end point.


Original Poster:

12,460 posts

270 months

Tuesday 17th December 2024
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Mr Pointy said:
Try logging in via a VPN with a German end point.
Just tried - top result? uk.germanfoodshop rolleyeshehe

Tbf just hoping for something less of a faff, someone with direct knowledge. There must be somewhere in Germany that supplies nice food hampers? Mustn't there? rofl


52,943 posts

164 months

Tuesday 17th December 2024
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You could try kadewe in Berlin. Not sure if they do hampers but they are the Fortnum & Mason of Berlin. Multilingual staff if you call.


17,437 posts

245 months

Tuesday 17th December 2024
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trackdemon said:
I've been sending my brother (who lives in Northern Germany) nice hampers of food & drink for Christmas for the last few years, but post brexit that's become 'problematic' to say the least, so no more. I figured it'd be easy enough to find a German shop of that ilk that I could order from with the bonus of faster, easier shipping... but no. Google has delivered nothing, it seems to think all I'm after is German foods sent here or serves me uk based German food shops. I guess this is a question for someone with local knowledge - for obvious reasons I'd rather not ask him directly hehe Can anyone help!??
This is google-fu problem that has only started to exist as google dumbed down their main search page for non-techies by ignoring proper search labels in favour of just throwing stuff at the user.

If you go into google's advanced search, you can specify the language and country you want.
eg. -->

For example searching for the word "geschenkkorb" which means "hamper", and looking in German on German websites,

The first search result gave me for this was which appears to be what you want.

If you're using chrome as a browser it'll let you translate pages into English even if the website itself hasn't made an English version.

I hope that helps.


493 posts

17 months

Tuesday 17th December 2024
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Our Germanic friends don’t really do a Christmas hamper in the style of f&m for example, but you could look at something like, or - as yet though I’ve not found anything quite as high end as the British offerings which can not only be really luxurious but also nicely presented and high quality in general.

I live in Austria and send wine to customers in different euro countries via Vicampo. is great and they have good offers.


Original Poster:

12,460 posts

270 months

Tuesday 17th December 2024
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Some excellent replies, thanks all! clap