Anyone brined and cooked a ham? Any tips?

Anyone brined and cooked a ham? Any tips?



Original Poster:

6,675 posts

142 months

Friday 13th December 2024
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Title says it all really.
Mrs B wants to try brining the raw joint and then I will attempt to cook it; we have two options, slow in the Weber bbq or slow and then hot with a glaze (I think) in the normal oven.

I’m getting a bit YouTubed-out though and can’t really trust what I am seeing.

Our raw ham is 2.3kg.

All tips gratefully received.

Mrs B has bought curing salt, whatever the hell that is.

Cheers all. Help!


5,422 posts

261 months

Friday 13th December 2024
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In terms of cooking, given the time of year, try a Swedish Christmas ham, Julskinka (pronounced yool-shwinker)

Various recipes on the internet, we do it coated in mustard and breadcrumbs, then studded with cloves. Delicious hot, even better when its gone cold